
要求1、 选一副有关猫的图 然后写出为什么喜欢

要求2、 注明这幅图是哪里来的(比如说baidu/soso/ ...)

要求3、 说出为什么选这幅图

要求4、 介绍下这幅图

把这四个要求集成一篇作文,需要全文都是英语 字数不限 但不要太少 。

越快越好, 最好在明早之前 、好的话会追加分数 ,说话算话。


第1个回答  2009-07-24
http://images.google.cn/imglanding?imgurl=http://photocdn.sohu.com/20071120/Img253356747.jpg&imgrefurl=http://yule.sohu.com/20071120/n253356744.shtml&usg=__WfjOvJTK3LgjTKh0SlFulo5YQNk%3D&h=407&w=480&sz=75&hl=zh-CN&um=1&tbnid=FfXR8TqIg4p8BM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25E9%25BB%2591%25E7%258C%25AB%25E8%25AD%25A6%25E9%2595%25BF%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26client%3Daff-cs-360se%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1%26newwindow%3D1&q=%E9%BB%91%E7%8C%AB%E8%AD%A6%E9%95%BF&client=aff-cs-360se&sa=N&um=1&newwindow=1&start=10#start=14 全部复制进地址栏

This picture comes from google.I choose this picture as I like it. This is not about a cutey regular cat.This is The Black Cat Sergeant.When I were young,I chased every collection of the cartoon ,never missed one.This stands my dream in my childhood that I want to do be a policeman,protecting people around. Smart and brave enough to beat the malefactor down,sending them to the prison.Though I dont want to be as black as he is in the picture but I want to be as spirited as he is.I love the picture,the poice cathing the eveil guy,make others bad person afraid,never do anything bad after.Besides,I am really into his gigantic eyes,reflecting the spirit----the eveil could be overcome by the godness!He is my idol,helping me learn what does police mean when I were young.
第2个回答  2009-08-06