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翻译 答好了再加100分 绝对不食言 没水平的不要来捣乱
The main goal of equipment management is to take effective measures, and guaranteed the equipment work safely and economically, with high efficiency,in a long terms,by using the equipments with advanced technology and economically reasonable, so as to ensure the enterprise to obtain the ...
When translation we encounter two kind of situations frequently, one kind is in Chinese carries on to some thing describes, to cause the word usage to look like gorgeously gorgeous, the people frequently carry on high broad and the abstract to the thing or character's characteristic....
先翻译了一些专业术语,如果认为必要,Hi我,给你人工翻译。Abstract: In contrast to the manufacturing enterprises which produce pump rod joints unceasingly developing and strengthening, the original mode of production shows a lower capacity, which leads to employees' high-intensity work, costl...
1. What's you hobby?i like basketball, my favorate star is Vince Carter. Of course, yao ming also, he's in NBA now.2. How can you let the local area computer network be more secured?The security of computer network requires a efficient and stable server at the first hand...
200分球一篇作文!选中后追加200分 决不食言
这是你送给我们的最好的回礼。”飞船启动了。我向聚集在一起送我的快乐星居民挥手致意,看着这颗被神圣之光包围着的星球,心里默默地说:“忘不了你,快乐星;忘不了你们,快乐星上友好的居民!”想像中的外星人 作者:黄阳 一天晚上,我在家里写作业,突然,一道闪电从窗外划过,耀眼的光芒在一...
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be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.对不起,您的邮件无法投送到收件人。所寄的邮件附在下面。For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.如果您需要进一步的协助,请发送邮件到邮件管理员。If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete ...
you and me 你和我 racing stars and common moons are planets 竟颜的星星和同样的月亮都是 in the cosmos, we are free 宇宙之中的永远,我们自由了 there's no atmosphere 浓雾散去 and no obsessions 没有了困惑 it'll always be 这将是永远 it'll always be这将是永远 our home forever...