1、what letter is an animal?哪个字母是一个动物?答案:B(Bee)。2、what stays hot even if put it in a fridge?什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的?答案:pepper(胡椒粉)。3、what fruit is never found singly?什么水果永远都不会是单数?答案:pear(梨)谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读...
key:smile. 谜语解析:因为两个S隔了一里(mile)2. what letter is an animal? key --B(Bee)哪个字母是一个动物 答案:B 3. What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea)哪个字母坐落在海边?答案:C(sea)4. what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题? 英语谜语答案:Y(w...
谜语大全一:1. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean? It never eats.(答案:It never eats.)2. What is never used until it's broken? An egg.(答案:An egg.)3. What's a skeleton? It's a lot of bones without the person on them!(答案:It's a lot of bones without t...
英语谜语 1.what man cannot live in a house?什么人不能住在房子里?Key: snowman(雪人)2.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案?Key: dictionary (字典)3.What question can you never answer "Yes" to?什么问题你永远也不能...
1、比虫子的嘴还小的是什么? —— 虫子的牙齿 2、什么季节最危险? ———秋季(FALL,有跌倒的意思)3、什么东西一个对我来说太多,两个正好,三个没有意义—— 秘密 4、历史上,在一年中的哪一天,士兵们开始战争? ——三月四号(March fourth.When a war breaks out,they'll have ...
导语:我们都知道中国有猜灯谜的习俗,下面我将要介绍的是英语谜语及答案,感兴趣的朋友赶紧来看看英语谜语是怎样的.吧!这破妮子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: Japanese What month do soldiers hate?当兵的不喜欢几月份? —— 谜底: March,三月 堤坝(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: debar 嬉戏(打一英文...
英语谜语是一种比较多应用在课堂上的谜语。下面是我收集整理的英语谜语大全及答案,欢迎大家阅读参考!否豆子(打一英文单词)--photos 拜宝(打一英文单词)--bible 赖(打一英文单词)--lie 三围知(打一英文单词)--sandwich 跑我腿(打一英文单词)--poverty 四拐哦(打一英文单词)--square 骚客(打一...
【答案】C(sea)英语谜语题目:what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题?【答案】:Y(why)英语谜语题目:what letter is your eye? key:I 哪个字母是你的.眼睛?【答案】:I(eye)英语谜语题目:what letter is a vegetable? key:P 哪个字母是一种蔬菜 【答案】:P(pea)豌豆 英语...
1、What is wind?【谜底:Air in a hurry】2、What's a skeleton?【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】3、Which letter is a drink?【谜底:T(tea)】4、What table is in the field?【谜底:vegetable】5、Which letter is an animal?【谜底:B(bee)】6、What ...
【答案】:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同 英语谜语题目:With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen! 你用哪只手写字呢? 【答案】都不用,我用笔 英语谜语题目:what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 谜语【答案】snowman(雪人) 英语谜语题目:What never ...