有没有java 大神可以做出来这道题的?

Write a java program to produce an invoice for the lease groups who use the camp Orchard Green.Orchard Green is a 200 acre camp with access to different activities for lease groups. Lease groups rent the spaces they want to use, have programs (tower, canoeing, team building) run for them to enjoy, and are provided meals. Orchard green has a maximum capacity of 100 people. There are two residence halls (A and B), each with a capacity of 50 people. Each residence hall costs $1600 per night. For those groups that want to have other meeting spaces and areas to enjoy, there is a lodge ($500 per group), meeting room ($800 per group), and gym ($500 per group). The dining hall costs $300 for the group to use, provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and each meal costs $8 per person. Groups arrive at 4pm on the first day and leave at 4pm on the last day. Lease groups can have tower sessions where they climb a 50 foot tower ($20 per person), canoeing sessions where they canoe and peddle boat on a lake ($200 per group), and team building sessions where groups learn the value of teamwork ($200 per group). Orchard Green will provide 4 staff members to run the activities at $200 per staff member for the group. The lease group will also need a host from Orchard Green who will provide a variety of support during their stay ($40 per day).The program will ask for the number of participants and the number of nights staying at the camp.Input90, 3The promptsNumber of participants:Number of nights staying at the camp:Notes:Document your program.Example of Invoice:

第1个回答  2019-02-19

这个问题应该是不难的,思路提供一下仅供参考 面向对象的封装,就是类元素的的性质设置为private,对类元素的访问有专门的方法提供访问 继承,就是家禽类是一个大类,然后鸡鸭的类都可以继承家禽的类,不管接受什么家禽都能喂食这个就是说,家禽类里有个喂食的通用方法,多态是说当接受的参数不同的时候...

有java大神吗 教教我这个怎么算
所以结果为 (a++) + (b--) = 30 (a++) + (b++) = 30 (--a) + (b--) = 31

a + b + c = 100 5a + 3b + c\/3 = 100 两方程联立消去c可得到:14a + 8b = 200 也就是说这道题求的是满足 14a + 8b = 200 这个方程的整数解,即 (200 - 14 * a) % 8 == 0 demo(仅供参考):public static void main(String[] args) { \/\/ a,b,c分别是公鸡、母鸡...

你的问题:1 、定义的数组类型有问题 讲解:字符数组用该用char 或者String 你这个由于是中文字符串,所以用String char 和String 定义是需要引号引起来,2 、java中,结束一段表达式的时候要用英文的分号结束,你定义数组的时候没有结束符 ...

ThreadB.java:public class ThreadB extends Thread {@Overridepublic void run() {System.out.println("I love XXX");}} Main.java:public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {ThreadA threadA = new ThreadA();ThreadB threadB = new ThreadB();threadA.start();...

java题目,求助大神了publicclassDay31{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ Animalch=newChicken("喔喔","芦花鸡","虫子","打鸣");Animaldu=newChicken("嘎嘎","斑嘴鸭","小皮没鱼虾","游泳饥带");AnimalAction.script(ch);AnimalAction.script(du);} } \/\/父类 abstractclassAnimal{ protect...

首先定义牌和玩家对象。牌还要考虑王牌,属性有花色和点数,能够区分。玩家有一个list存放手牌。for循环生成52个对象,然后生成2个王牌,加入一个list.定义三个玩家。循环17次,每次按顺序发牌三张。发牌的时候操作Random生成随机数,每发出一张,从list中remove掉此牌 最后得到4个list,三个玩家加底牌 ...


JAVA 考试题 求大神帮做一下 十分感谢
21. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)执行顺序,初始化i=0;只执行一次,接下来进行判断i,改变i做循环 22.都是用在循环中,continue指结束本次循环进入下一次循环,break指结束这个循环体。因为17-20没看出来你问什么?估计程序没贴出来。 哪题不懂问即可。 楼上哥们选择题答的太犀利了。估计没看随便写...

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import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;public class test3 { public static void main(String[] args) { test3.t();test3.t2();test3.t3();test3.test4();test3.test5();test3.test6();} \/\/题2 public static void t(){ System.out.println("英里 千米");for(int...
