
女声,中间有女声和声,后面歌词有 oh baby······lai lai lai lai(音译)···学校广播放的,英语不好没听出歌词。。帮帮忙

第1个回答  2015-12-12
郭采洁Bird n' Tree歌词
  词:马奕强(Jon Ma)洪诚孝(Stanley Hung)
  曲:马奕强(Jon Ma)洪诚孝(Stanley Hung)
  编曲:马奕强(Jon Ma)生命树_小王子(Little Prince)
  Hey do not be sad it's never coming to the end
  The season is not to blame because we met
  So please don't ever feel sad a wonderful trip once began
  We had the moon the wind and the rain will not be in vain
  Forgive my leaving
  The bird and tree happened upon a love story
  They just believed love would be for centuries
  Bird gotta leave tree could only be here waiting
  Forever waiting for days they rewinding
  Hey were I the bird will you wait for me in love
  Maybe you will won't you but maybe I won't
  So please remember the hugs which we had warm and sweet
  I'm flying away to the sky it is just the time
  Can we be dreaming within our memory
  The bird and tree happened upon a love story
  They just believed love would be for centuries
  Bird gotta leave tree could only be here waiting
  Forever waiting for days they rewinding
  You are the tree and I'm the bird regretfully
  The love is real but life is not a fairy tale
  Unfortunately I can merely say I'm so sorry
  Like bird and tree just let it be
  Forgive my leaving
  The bird and tree happened upon a love story
  They just believed love would be for centuries
  Bird gotta leave tree could only be here waiting
  Always waiting even no days rewinding
  Bird 'n' tree it's a loved story
  Bird 'n' tree they're just you and me
  Bird 'n' tree
  They're just you and me
  Bird 'n' tree本回答被提问者和网友采纳

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