

第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-06
Fill in the blank with “have,has”or “there is , there are”
1. I_________ a nice puppet. He_________a good friend.
They__________ some masks. We___________some flowers.
She___________ a duck. My father____________ a new bike.
Her mother___________a vase. Our teacher_________ an English book.
Our teachers___________a basketball. Nancy_________many skirts.
Their parents___________some blankets David__________some jackets.
My friends__________a football. What do you__________?
What does Mike__________? What do your friends___________?
What does Helen___________? His brother________a basketball.
Her sister_________a nice doll. Miss Li__________an English book.
I________a good father and a good mother.
____________a telescope on the desk. He_________a tape-recorder.
_____________a basketball in the playground.
She__________some dresses. They___________a nice garden.
What do you___________? What does Mike___________?
______________a reading-room in the building?
______________any books in the bookcase?
My father_________a story-book. _____________some maps on the wall.
_______________a story-book on the table.
_______________any flowers in the vase?
How many students____________in the classroom?
My parents___________some nice pictures.
______________a map of the world on the wall.
David__________a telescope. David’s friends¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________some tents.
______________many children on the hill
I often _____to school at seven every morning. My sister often_______to school with me. I__________to school now. But I______to school late yesterday. (go)
Mike______ a lot of good friends. Last Sunday, he_______a birthday party. They_______a big birthday cake. Look, now he _____________his birthday cake. (have)
Ben usually ______his homework in the afternoon. We often________our homework in the afternoon, too. But yesterday, we________our homework in the evening. (do)
My younger brother _______a lot of ice-cream last night. So he can’t______anything today. The doctor says to him: don’t______too much. So he ______a little today. (eat)
My father can_______model planes. He likes_________models. Look he ___________a model plane now. Last term he ________one for me. (make)
Last week, I ______ a Beijing opera show. It was interesting. I am going to _______ it again next week. (see)
My cousin and I all like _________ TV. He usually ______ it on Saturday. Last Saturday, he _________ a cartoon on TV.(watch)本回答被提问者和网友采纳

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