

第1个回答  2016-04-29
Mother Cat and Baby Cat (go) fishing. Suddenly a bird (comes).She (feels) very happy.The Baby Cat is going to catch the bird. But she can't catch the bird. (So) she feel very sad. She (feels) happy again because there is another butterfly (comeing).And she is going to catch the butterfly.She can't catch the butterfly,either. After a long time, Mother Cat takes her home. (At last, the cat can't catch any fish)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2016-04-29
  Kitten KITTY and his father a day to go fishing,Dad concentrate on fishing,Kitty and has no patience fishing,grab the butterfly 3KITTY found that the father has been caught many fish,so to fishing 4KITTY and dad also started to catch a lot of fish,eat a hearty dinner