
工作描述1:(PQE 2005.7-2008.10 )
1. 负责新产品从开发到量产整个生产过程的质量控制,协助完成PPAP承认文件;
2. 制作新产品的SIPPMP flow chart并发行,新产品批量生产前对QC进行培训;
3. 对制程品质不稳定的产品进行跟踪,并找出解决原因制定临时措施及永久措施;
4. ECN产品的承认资料准备(FAI&CPK&GRR)及承认,并跟踪生产,对异常及时处理;
5. 及时对客户反馈,投诉进行处理,并协调和推动各部门进行对策检讨,完成书面报告回复;
6. 品质管理系统内外审策划&对应和完善,并回复和跟踪需要纠正的问题点。

工作描述2:(SQE 2008.10-2012.2)
1. 入料异常处理,协助PQE及CQE对产线原料异常和客诉原材料异常进行处理;
2. 不良原料MRB,针对严重不良对供应商进行索赔并提出8D要求,并跟踪纠正措施有效性;
3. 供应商质量开发,协助供应商对产品和制程进行质量改善;
4. 供应商绩效评定以及定期对供应商稽核和召开品质会议;
5. 与采购/产品/制程/环资等部门对新供应商的开发认证;
6. 对检验标准进行制定和更新,,对IQC检验手法&环境和标准进行培训;

1. 本人做事认真仔细,有高度的责任感和上进心,具有良好的亲和力,较强的组织沟通能力,对突发事件有一定的对应能力,性格活泼开朗,爱交际善于思考;
2. 熟悉品管新旧七大手法,能够应用8D&5C&10W对客诉进行不良原因分析及提出改善对策,熟练使用PPT制作各种客户要求完成的品质报告;
3. 对ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14000环境体系熟悉,有内审员资格证书,并多次主导公司的内外审,积累了丰富的审核经验,能推动公司的品质相关工作。

Job Description 1: (PQE 2005.7-2008.10)
1 is responsible for new products from development to mass production quality control throughout the production process, to help complete PPAP admit documents;
(2) the production of new products SIPPMP flow chart and the issue before the mass production of a new product QC training;
3 of the unstable product quality tracking process and to identify and address the causes permanent measures to develop interim measures;
. 4 ECN product recognition data preparation (FAI & CPK & GRR) and recognize and track the production of abnormal timely manner;
5 timely customer feedback, complaints handling, and to coordinate and promote various departments countermeasure review, completed a written report to reply;
6 internal and external audit of quality management system and improve the planning & correspondence, and respond to and track problems that need correction.
Job Description 2: (SQE 2008.10-2012.2)
1 Feeding exception handling, assisting on the production line CQE PQE and raw materials anomalies and exceptions handling customer complaints;
2 bad raw MRB, for serious adverse claims of suppliers and made 8D requirements, and track the effectiveness of corrective measures;
3 supplier quality and development, to assist suppliers of products and processes for quality improvement;
4 supplier performance assessment and regular supplier audits and quality meetings held;
5 and Purchasing / Product / Process / Environmental and Resources and other departments to develop new suppliers of certification;
6 of inspection standards and be updated on the IQC testing methods and standards for training & Environment;

1 I do things carefully, there is a high degree of responsibility and self-motivated, have good affinity, strong organizational communication skills, there are certain emergencies corresponding ability, lively and cheerful, sociable good thinking;
2 old familiar QC seven tools can be applied 8D & 5C & 10W reason for poor customer complaint be made to improve the analysis and countermeasures, skilled use of PPT production of customer requirements to complete the Quality Report;
3 on the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14000 environment system familiar with internal auditor qualifications, and has led the company's internal and external audit, the audit has accumulated a wealth of experience to promote the quality of work-related companies.追答

