英语作文 《网络改变我们的生活》


第1个回答  2015-07-16
基础不好没关系的,学好就会提高的 ,可以去网上搜寻一些资料来学习,或跟我一样没时间的话才找英语学习中心帮忙规划,ABC天丅英语中心性介比不错.好.,外教口语很纯正 你可以去那了解一下,或许对您有很大的帮助呢~~TechnologyIsChangingOurLives(Kaiser手写)Theeffectoftechnologyinourday-to-daylifecanbeseenorfeltalmosteverywhere.Weusemobilephonesforcommunications,wesurftheInternetforinformation,ledgeandentertainment,andwedriveourcarstoworkortakeflightstomakebusinesstravels.Weshallalwayshavefaitnourselves,becausemankindhasalmostunlimitedpotentialforcreationandself-improvement.楼主,完全手写哈,若觉得满意,多多支持哈!!!
第2个回答  2020-06-27
The Internet has brought great changes to our life. In the past, searching information required a large number of books. Since the Internet came into being, as long as I type a few words, more knowledge will appear on the screen than on the books, and it is easy. The network can also solve the problem for you, when you have which question not, you only need to spend a few minutes to send that question, the computer teacher will be in a few seconds for you to solve.
Network not only can search information, problem solving, it will be pleasure your mood, you feel upset, you can click on the "obsession" choose your favorite songs to listen to, you can also open the "video" storm come to see you like movies, TV, animation, etc., can also chat on QQ, puzzled and trouble with friend pour out your heart, also can make your mood vent, you can also click on the "my computer", please write down your mood, the mood will be relaxed.
第3个回答  2015-03-28