

译文:环绕滁州城的都是山。城西南方向的众多山峰,树林和山谷特别秀丽,远远望去,那草木繁茂而幽深秀美的地方,就是琅琊山。沿山路行走六七里,渐渐听到潺潺的水声,从两峰之间飞泻而出的,则是酿泉。山势回环,路也跟着山转,有一座亭子四角翘起,像鸟张开翅膀一样高踞于泉水之上,就是醉翁亭。建造亭子的人是谁?是山里的和尚智仙。给它命名的人是谁?是太守用自己的号“醉翁”来命名的,太守同宾客来到这里饮酒,喝很少的酒就醉了,而年纪又最大,所以给自己取个别号叫“醉翁”。醉翁的情趣不在酒上,而在秀丽的山水之间。欣赏山水的乐趣,领会在心里,寄托在喝酒上。   像那太阳出来,树林里的雾气散了,烟云聚拢,山谷显得昏暗,或暗或明,变幻不定的,就是山间早晚的景色。野花开放,散发出一股清幽的香味;好的树木枝繁叶茂,形成浓郁的绿荫;天气高爽,霜色洁白;水位低落,石头显露出来,这是山中四季的景色。早晨进山,傍晚归来,四季的景色都有所不同,乐趣也是无穷无尽的。   至于背东西的人在路上歌唱,走路的人在树下休息,前面的人呼唤,后面的人答应,老人弯着腰走,小孩由大人搀着走,来来往往,络绎不绝的,是滁州人在游玩。来到溪边捕鱼,溪水深,鱼儿肥;用酿泉的水来酿酒,泉水香甜,酒香清洌;野味野菜,各种各样摆放在面前的是太守在宴请宾客。宴会上畅饮的乐趣,不在于音乐。投壶的射中了,下棋的下赢了,酒杯和酒筹交互错杂,站起来坐下去,大声喧哗的是这些宾客们在尽情地欢乐。容颜苍老,头发花白,醉醺醺地坐在众人中间的人,是喝醉了的太守。   不久夕阳下山,人们的影子四处散开,太守下山回家,宾客跟在后面,树林里枝叶茂密成荫,鸟雀到处鸣叫,游人离开后,鸟儿们就开心了。然而鸟儿知道山林的乐趣,却不懂得人的乐趣,游人只知道跟着太守一同游玩而快乐,却不知道太守是把人们的快乐当作快乐。喝醉了能同大家一起欢乐,酒醒后又能用文字来记述这件乐事的是太守。太守是谁?是庐陵的欧阳修。赏析:和乐的社会风气的描写,含蓄委婉地表现了贬官之后的特殊心境。 这篇散文中,有景物的描写,人事的叙述,情感的抒发,而这三者又都生动地表现了欧阳修当时的特殊情怀。随着文章中对景物的描写,我们看到了一个闲适快活的世界: “环滁皆山也,其西南诸峰,林壑尤美,望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺而泻出两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也。” 这儿的山,没有嶙峋怪石,没有岩绝壁,这儿的水,不是惊心动魄之水。山,逶迤起伏,布满了茂盛的绿荫,幽深秀丽,静静地绵延环绕;水,犹如一条回旋曲折的银色飘带,潺潺而下,泠泠悦耳;还有一亭,四角翘起,像鸟一般,悄然飞临在这细水旁,多么柔和寂静的景色啊。《醉翁亭记》开头这一段描写,把我们带到了一个景色优美的环境里,产生了愉悦的感受。另一段景物描写,也是如此:“若夫日出而林霏开,云归而岩穴暝,晦明变化者,山间之朝幕也。野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出者,山间之四时也。” 这里写到了清晨飘散开来的淡雾,傍晚聚扰来的烟云,春季发出幽香的野花,夏季苍翠的绿树,秋季洁白的霜色,冬季露出水面的石头。一切都那么恬静简朴,淡雅自然。 这是散文中的景物描写,我们再看散文中人事的叙述: “太守与客来饮于此,饮少辄醉,而年又最高,故自号曰醉翁也。” “至于负者歌于途,行者休于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥,酿泉为酒,泉香而酒洌;山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。宴酣之乐,非丝非竹,射者中,弈者胜,觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也,苍颜白发,颓然乎其间者,太守醉也。” “已而,夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。” 它所描写的不是轰轰烈烈的社会巨大事件,也不是不同凡响的英雄行为,而是比较平凡的、没有矛盾,没有冲突的社会生活和个人生活。散文中描写了在年事已高的太守管辖下,众百姓的日常生活以及太守自己生活的一个片断,呈现的是一派闲适快活、安详和平的景象,作者感到无限的快乐,不禁心旷神怡,宠辱皆忘,一切人世间的荣辱,烦恼都置之脑后,以至于忘自己“饮少辄醉”,尽兴畅饮。结果,周围歌声缭绕,人们起坐喧哗,而他却“颓然乎其间”,醉态可掬,欲起而不能了,这是愉快的最高境界。 欧阳修通过景物的描写,人事的叙述,抒发了自己由此而触发的内心感慨。他的真挚的感情溶汇在景、事中,更使文章显得情意盎然: “醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。” “山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。” “……游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游而乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。” 这是一个饱经沧桑,在仕途宦海中颠簸数十年的人的欣慰的心情。从天圣八年(1030),年仅23岁的欧阳修就开始了自己的政治生涯,他上下往返,尽心竭力,积极协助范仲淹革新内政,终于遭到群邪所忌,革官贬滴。他的理想在以前不能实现,而在贬于滁州之后,却有了可喜的政绩,这对于奔波劳碌,疲惫不堪的欧阳修来说,是多么舒心惬意的享受啊!滁州百姓的安乐生活,给了他极大的抚慰,而眼前的山水,又把他引入了一个恬静的境界,他陶醉了,但不是醉于酒,而是醉于优美的景色,安详的生活。这儿,禽鸟因山林而乐,人们因太守游而乐,而太守则是因百姓乐而乐,他处在优美的环境中,身心愉快,舒适安闲,不由便醺醺然了。 欧阳修苍颜白发,颓然坐于众之间,眼睛微闭,眼前的景物是优美的,人是欢欣的,欧阳修也被这和谐的气氛所笼罩,陶醉了。 欧阳修以“醉翁”自称,旷达自放,摆脱宦海浮沉,人世纷扰,在这远离都市的山水之间,把自己的心灵沉浸到闲适、恬淡的情境里,获得了一种平衡、和谐的感受。这种感受渗透在《醉翁亭记》里,使文章如田园诗一般,淡雅而自然,婉转而流畅。
第1个回答  2014-02-16
原文:Ring by all mountain also. The southwest ZhuFeng, LinHe especially beautiful. Hope of fostering and deep show, who also 琊 lakefront. Mountain in six rows, gradually the smell of underwater acoustic murmuring and diarrhea between two peaks, who brew springs also. Ing, booth wing in the most natural in spring, ZuiWengTing also. Those who make pavilion? The mountain monk yue ZhiXian also. Those who name? TaiShou since predicate also. TaiShou and passengers to drink hereat, drink less drunk, while years again struggled supreme, reason from number yue new-found also. Continued rejection of the landscape, care between also. Landscape bliss, the heart and the wine also implies. ReFu sunrise and LinFei open, cloud and the rock to the HuiMing changes, ji gao mei, a mountain of morning evening also. Wild fang hair and a faint fragrance, jiamu show numerous cloudy, frost, gao jie, the person, and stone impinges mountain of ever-green also. Facing to sunset, and return, ever-green scene is different, but joy also infinite also. As for the loser song in Tucson, walker Hugh in trees, the former shout, the latter
Should YuLou coattails, contacts, and those who swim by endless also. Near streams and fishing, creek deep and fish fat, brew springs for wine, springs, fragrant and wine didn ShanYaoYeSu, miscellaneous however before the TaiShou feast, Chen also. Feast freed bliss, not the bamboo shoot silk, of those who wins, will, implement, sit since the noise, and the bin huan also. Verdant yan, self-effacing depends on the meantime the white-haired, TaiShou drunk also. YiEr sunset in mountain, figure TaiShou return and messy, guests from also. The woods YinYi, chirp fluctuation, visitors to infecting birds music has. However know the joy of birds on the trees, and doesn't know the person of joy, People know from TaiShou swim but joy, and I do not know the joy of TaiShou pleasure in it. Drunk with the joy, can wake, who described by wen can TaiShou also. TaiShou predicate who? LuLing ouyang xiu also.赏析;The ZuiWengTing record "done in song renzong (1046), then OuYangXiuZheng ren chuzhou TaiShou. Ouyang xiu from five years in the employ of qingli periods emphatically celebrated to chuzhou. Exiled before ChangCheng know former too cgsee period courtyard, the right positive words known ZhiGao, hebei provincial judges of the work are transshipment. Be celebrated reason is because he always support HanQi, fan zhongyan, FuBi person such as opposed to implement the New Deal, the flow of a conservative. HanFan fear-stricken men as early as five years before January qingli periods emphatically has been successively exiled to this August, ouyang xiu was added a flamen someone crime, things with the implicated charges, fell to devaluate toward job, put chuzhou. Ouyang xiu in chuzhou executed wide Jane political and the development of production, the natives live a peaceful and stable life in abundant content was, but again there was a intoxicating landscape, this is the way to make ouyang xiu feel matchless and the comfort. But then the whole of the northern song dynasty is the political power, some GanXie dim, sockets of person in succession aspiring reform, blow to the country's eyes looked over the destruction of coral on the scene, not eliminate the increasing and not made him feel heavy anxiety and pain. This is his writing "ZuiWengTing ji's mind when, these two aspects are mix together, performance in his works. The ZuiWengTing ji written style qingli, rich poetic charms. This essay has two parts, the first part, the key is to write pavilion, The second part, the key is to write to swim. Throughout the total is a "le" word. In order to realize the new-found meaning, let us come together ZuiWengTing enjoy the beauty of landscapes. Article at first is "ring by all mountain also" this sentence by sentence, indescribably hammered little and content, suddenly bring the mountains of the grandeur of chuzhou surrounded mountain show in front of you, LianMian continuously, lofty and grand. If you are going for magnificent mountains intoxicated, the author also remind you notice "southwest ZhuFeng", where the woods and valleys especially beautiful. When you are being "southwest ZhuFeng" attracting, he tell you, then went far look, that wooded, deep and beautiful, is 琊 lakefront mountain. So, from the mountains to ZhuFeng to 琊 lakefront, by far and near, panorama. Then walk into six or seven mile, gradually hear murmuring underwater acoustic, a mountain spring from two peaks between spilled, this is brewed springs. Here the author the visual image and sound image mix together, static and dynamic brew mountain springs sceneries. When you can drink a bitter, and QingQuanShui gump ing, suddenly saw a pavilion, abuts on fountain, four corners cocked up like birds wings to fly, this is ZuiWengTing. Hence, a picture of mountains, grand, bubbling springs flying wings, mountain pavilion, springs, pavilion mutual reflect the beautiful landscape diagram, vividly vividly presented before people. Then, the author find source, indicates the agent root kiosk is built, and give it ZhiXian monk named, is TaiShou. TaiShou self-proclaimed "new-found" and so we call this pavilion for ZuiWengTing. Why OuYangXiuChang with guests as the TaiShou here drinking? Why drink very much is drunk? Why ouyang xiu to chuzhou when official, but when it is prime self-styled "weng"? It is understood that this inside contain he suffered demoted, can not be put, ideal may not realize, forced to alcohol depressed and misery! "Continued rejection of the landscape, care between also." Appreciate landscapes of joy, although joy boxing Lamentations, but after all, it can puta sorrow for the second part written swim pleasures laid a foundation. The scenery is beautiful, ZuiWengTing ZuiWengTing mountain scenery, due to the changes and the four seasons of morning evening changeable, appear more beautiful and lovely. Early morning sun dongsheng, glow bright, fog away dew scattered, castle peak green, pure and fresh and halcyon, In the evening the sun goes down to the west, beautifully gathers, knowest caves, dim and peaceful, intoxicated. Spring, the wild flowers JingKai, a faint fragrance pubi; Summer, show luxuriant and shaded always clouding wood, Autumn, frost, noble, Winter, come out in the wash. The four seasons fluctuates, wonders rockery. Appreciate ZuiWengTing mountain, fun is inexhaustible. ZuiWengTing fluctuates mountain, ornamental admittedly, but in ZuiWengTing enjoyed watching people to swim, and there, but also do not have a mid-north fun. Carrying things, and sang, Walk tired, rested under the tree, unbounded. People QianHuHouYing, old man kid, exchanges on. Here are static have move, audio have state, painted a picture of vivid by man amusement figure. Then write fatty fish meat and wine, mountain springs of YeShu TaiShou feast, and mingled in all a rejoicing in the "white hair, verdant ngan depends on the meantime" TaiShou self-effacing clownish drunkenness. In extremely write the joy that TaiShou complex mood, also subtly expression comes out. Finally the author from birds bliss, guests of joy and TaiShou pleasures of the different content and feelings in comparison, deduce "know the joy of birds on the trees, and doesn't know the person of joy; people know from TaiShou swim but joy, and I do not know the joy of TaiShou pleasure in it." Drunk, can with people together joy, Wake up, can write the ZuiWengTing record "penny is TaiShou ouyang xiu. Ink succinct implicative, fable. The ZuiWengTing ji was indeed a piece of pure and fresh style and swaying posture, beautiful and moving born lyrical prose. The author of chuzhou beautiful landscape and eulogizing construction to peace and stability, and people who are ideal society efforts and yearning, especially the author tactful and implicative land of depression, this to confide SongRenZong era of dim, undoubtedly in political objectively is an expose, these natural is glimmering thought light. Especially this article language, accurate, bright, vivid, graceful, sentence tidy and have change, use the full text repeated "...... "the patterns, and also laparoscope 21" and "word, enhance articles peculiar rhythms. These aspects, all is the reference.


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