

Kurosaki protagonist of the story is seemingly a weak protection was covered with blood and youth, and have to see the spirit of the constitution. Children at home has an open clinic father and sister of two perfectly normal character, a nursing home on time every day to seven or father would use "body language lessons" of violence and family rules. Noise of the father and son, sensible sister, and no major differences with other ordinary people of ordinary life. Until one night, by his death deadwood Lucia kicked the wall and his face looked surprised and bewildered he asked, "Can you see me?" Until such time off has been officially kicked him. Kurosaki a protection from all things around us are tremendous. There are two world soul, called the whole spirit, the spirit of the ordinary; the other is a stranger no matter who the deceased were attacked and devoured the soul of evil spirits - virtual, virtual is the degradation of the whole soul. Death of rotten wood claiming Lucia told his own soul is the soul and lead to a buried corpse spirit world called the place. Was nearly empty at the side, inexplicably serious injuries and collapsed in front of his father's sister, a nursing Kurosaki solve their own exaggerated death of the Ghost spiritual power, Lucia surprised and bewildered eyes. For him and her, everything is so weird, he never thought of death in the world could hold the existence of such a person and she has never seen or even heard of mankind has been so powerful. No choice to be the next retaining the power of a death Lucia. The death of tyrant wearing a black fitted, because of his spiritual power to change form and become a huge soul knife cut. The face of a hideous monster huge virtual, while it is before the two men closely linked to the fate of all the same no choice ... ...
(故事的主角黑崎一护是个看似单薄却满身热血少年,并且拥有能看见灵的体质。家里有一个开少儿诊所的老爸和两个性格绝对正常的妹妹,一护每天七点必须按时回家否则老爸便会使用“身体语言教训”的暴力家规。吵闹的父子,懂事的妹妹以及与其他普通人无大异的普通生活。直到一天晚上,死神朽木露琪亚被他一脚踢到墙角并满脸惊疑地望着他问“你能看见我?”时序幕才这样被他正式地踢开。 从此黑崎一护身边所有的事物都翻天覆地。 世上有两种魂魄,一种叫做整灵,是普通的灵;另一种是不管生人死者都攻击并吞噬他们灵魂的恶灵——虚,虚是堕落了的整灵。 自称是死神的朽木露琪亚告诉他自己的工作是将灵魂魂葬并引至一个叫尸魂界的地方。当时虚已近在身边,莫名重伤的父亲和昏倒在眼前的妹妹,黑崎一护自行解开死神的鬼道的夸张灵力,露琪亚惊疑的眼神。对于他和她来说一切都是如此不可思议,他从来没想到过世界上竟会有死神这种人的存在而她也从未见过甚至听说过竟然有着如此厉害的人类。 在别无选择的情况下一护得到露琪亚的力量成为死神。穿上黑色的死霸装,因他的灵力而改变形态并变得巨大的斩魄刀。巨大的面目狰狞的虚,至此而始紧紧联系在一起的两人的命运,一切都同样别无选择……)
第1个回答  2010-05-29
第2个回答  2010-05-30

急!! 要死神(动漫)的英文介绍
黑崎一护 Kurosaki Ichigo【黑崎一护是日本漫画《BLEACH》(《死神》,港译:《漂灵》)中的主角。动画中的声优是森田成一(少年时代是松冈由贵)\/罗伟杰(有线电视粤语)。在音乐剧中扮演此角色的演员是伊阪达也。 除了灵力强以外,是个普通高中生。正义感强,体贴关心家人。作为死神代理帮助ルキア(露琪亚)完成死神在...

人物介绍 主要人物 Ichigo Kurosaki 黒崎 一护 An orange-haired high school student, Ichigo becomes a "substitute Shinigami (Soul Reaper)" after unintentionally absorbing most of Rukia's powers.[9] His cynical nature at first makes him ill-disposed towards the duty, but, with the p...

Kurosaki protagonist of the story is seemingly a weak protection was covered with blood and youth, and have to see the spirit of the constitution. Children at home has an open clinic father and sister of two perfectly normal character, a nursing home on time every day to seven o...

死神 英文介绍
漂白跟随Ichigo Kurosaki, 一名高中学生以能力看鬼魂, 和Rukia Kuchiki, shinigami 冒险(灵魂收割机或, 逐字地, "death god") 。故事的早期部分集中主要于字符。当事件展开, 故事开始探讨更深死亡的这些神世界。manga 系列适应了入一个生气蓬勃的电视系列节目、二部OVAs, 二部动画片、岩石音乐会, 和...


《死神》的英文"bleach"到底是啥意思?拜托各位了 3Q
Bleach(漂白) 题名就是Bleach,而这个词的本身就有"净化,漂白"的意思在里面.用Bleach这个词作为死神的标题,不仅是因为死神的世界本身就是为了净化人类的怨灵--虚,而存在的,而且在死神世界里森严的等级制度以及之后的故事情节都是围绕着"Bleach"这个字眼描写的.蓝染为了得到无比强大的力量,不惜培养虚化的...

死神soul reaper
soul是灵魂的意识 reaper是收割者的意思,在bleach里,有四个这样的职业——死神,魂狩,灭却师,虚。死神在这里被翻译成soul reaper,原因是在bleach中死神利用魂葬将灵魂收获到尸魂界,并且将虚从恶灵变回整灵,在进行回收,而在西方文化中,死神是扛着收割用的大镰刀的,自然就被翻译成soul reaper...

影片简介: 除了可以看见灵以外,只是个普通高中生的15岁少年黑崎一护,因和一位少女的邂逅、命运发生了巨大转变。为了追击被称为『虚』的恶灵而突然出现在一护面前的自称是死神的少女—朽木露琪亚毫不留情地攻击以吃掉灵力很高的一护的为目的的『虚』。为了救一护的露琪亚深受重伤而无法镇压恶灵。最后出于无奈决定把...

英文名: Bleach 中文名: 死神 类别:TV 制作公司: ぴえろ 放映日期: 2004.10.05.人物介绍:五人组 黑崎一护 KUROSAKI IGHIGO 7月15日生 \/ AO型 \/ 174cm \/ 61kg 天生桔子色的头发,高中生。 又能看见灵魂的特殊体质,为了被救被虚袭击的家人,借用了露琪亚的力量,成为了代理死神 名词解释:...

英文:Azrael the King of Terrors 死神:希腊神话里的死神是冥王哈迪斯的手下大将——撒那特斯(Thanatos),而在欧洲的神话里面,死神是个手执大镰刀穿着大斗篷从来不露脸的家伙”。他的出现,就意味着死亡。他是夜神之子,喜欢披着黑斗蓬,手持致命之剑,夜晚行走于人群的居地。希腊神话中,关于死神的...
