

第1个回答  推荐于2021-01-26
Amanda:Hi, Jack. This is Amanda. How are you doing lately?

Jack:Nothing special. What's up?

Amanda:I'm calling to ask you if you want to come to Justin's Christmas party on the 22nd.

Jack:December 22nd? What day is it?

Amanda:It's next Friday.

Jack:Well, I'm not sure if I'm in Taipei that day. I have a customer coming to Taiwan next Wednesday and I'll have to take him to Tainan to visit our warehouse. When do I have to decide?

Amanda:Well, the sooner the better.

Jack:Okay, I'll call back to you. What will the party begin?

Amanda:At 8:30. At Justin's house. You know where it is?


Amanda:Ok. I will tell this to Justin. See you then.

Friday is coming.

Jessica:Justin, what are you doing?

Justin:I am looking for the bells and trying to decorate the house for the Christmas party tonight before Amanda gets home from the mart.

Jessica:The party is tonight? Oh my good. I totally forget about it.

Justin:Yeah. Can you do me a favor?

Jessica:Sure. What is it?

Justin:Can you pass me the hammer on the table? I need it to nail the wreath on the door.

Jessica:Here you go. What else can I help?

Justin:Sure. Can you put the candy cane on the doorway and then hang these color balls,bells and ribbons on the tree?

Jessica:No problem. But where is the mistletoe?

Justin:Still in the box. Why?

Jessica:I'd like to hang them first.

Justin:Hoping to be kissed?

Jessica:You bet.本回答被提问者采纳