我最喜欢的一本书 英语作文
写作思路:可以写最喜欢的书是《西游记》、《狼王梦》、《五千年历史》等等,将自己喜欢书的原因阐述清楚,中心要明确,语句要通顺等等。正文:A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them, which is all history about China.很多人问我是我最...
This are my favorite books. What about yours?
One theme of the novel is the truth of love. I love Jennifer’s words “Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry” very much. Love is a permanent topic of our lives and even now we don’t have a definite meaning of love. I think this is a very sweet interpreta...
(1)写好开头 常言说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”,恰当、新颖的开头,不仅能使你笔下生花,而且能增加文采,吸引读者。 ①交待四要素开头法。即开头简单交代时间、地占、人物和事件。 ②开门见山开头法。即文章一开头不拐弯抹角,不兜圈子,而是把要描述的主要人、事或物直截了当地摆出来,引入正文。 直接表述作者...
My favourite Book 为题写一篇六年级下册英语作文 不少于5句话
I like reading,so I love many diffe rent kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感).Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books ...
请以"my books"为题,写一篇小作文,来介绍你的书.不少于5句话
My favourite book is.It is about a dumb swan.But it has a trumpet.The swan can play the trumpet very well.Its trumpet makes it famous.At last that swan has a family and its babies.I also have English picture books. I like very much.It is a series of books.It’s easy...
一是威廉·倪豪士教授的《中国古典文学手册》,印第安纳大学1986年出版。 这本书称赞杨译《红楼梦》是「完整而准确的」,同时称赞霍译《红楼梦》是「精致的」,认为两个译本同样优秀。 另一本是玛格丽特·贝利教授的《中国古典小说:英语书目笺注》,加兰出版公司1988年出版。 这本书称赞杨译《红楼梦》:「根据各地的读...
你喜欢什么类型的书,这个英语作文可以这样写。I like the novel type book, I thought that reads the novel to be possible to broaden own field of vision, my favorite book is Jane Eyre, through Jane Eyre this book I understood that the love is extremely happy.英语学习的方法。1 ...
以“读书的乐趣”为题,写一篇不少于500字的作文 1.读书的乐趣 读书,你可知道在这字里行间蕴含了无限的乐趣。读书,可以让我们在知识的海洋了尽情的遨游;读书,可以让我们与高尚的人畅快对谈;读书,它可以陶冶我门的品德、情操,使之高尚…… 在睡之前,我总喜欢先到知识的海洋里遨游一番。让学习了一天的身心,放松...
and the books you want will be presented in front of you.电子书真神奇,下载一本书,用不了几分钟,花不了几元钱,价格便宜,人人都花得起。这样小小的一本电子书,里面可以储存好几百本书。你要喜欢看哪几本,手指点几点,你要的书就马上呈现在你的眼前。Which pages of the book do you...