
Definitions of adult learning vary, but for the purpose of the Commission’s 2001 Communication it is defined as all forms of learning undertaken by adults after having left initial education and training, however far this process may have gone.
Education and training are important factors for achieving the strategy objectives of raising economic growth, competitiveness and social inclusion. However, with some exceptions,implementation remains weak Most education and training systems are still largely focused on the education and training of young people and limited progress has been made in changing systems to mirror the need for learning throughout the lifespan.An additional 4 million adults would need to participate in lifelong learning. Recent research confirms the importance of investing in adult learning. Research on older adults indicates that those who engage in learning are healthier, with a consequent reduction in healthcare costs.
Europe’s key economic challenge is to raise its growth and employment performance while preserving social cohesion (凝聚力). Rapid progress in other regions of the world shows the importance of creative,advanced and quality education and training as a key factor of economic competitiveness. General levels of competence must increase, both to meet the needs of the la- hour market and to allow citizens to function well in today’s society.
Europe is facing big demographic changes that will have a major impact on society and on the economy and consequently on education and training provision and needs. The European population is ageing: over the next 30 years the number of younger Europeans (up to 24 years) will fall by 15%. One in three Europeans will be over 60 years old, and about one in ten will be over 80.
Raising the overall level of skills of the adult population by offering more and better learning opportunities throughout adult life is important for both efficiency and equity reasons given the challenges identified above. Not only does adult learning help make adults morn efficient workers and, better-informed and more active citizens, it also contributes to their personal well-being.
