各位:您好!请问现在出给印度尼西亚的FORM E有什么要求?

Regarding new regulation from our government that :
1. Form E date must be same as date of B/L
2. Tolerance of date for declare on Form E only 3 days after B/L date
3. If you issued date on Form E is not same as B/L date but still on tolerance 3 days after B/L date please ask the Authority to write or stamp :"ISSUED RETROACTIVELY" on FORM E
4. Declaration date and Certification date must not before B/L date
5. Your Invoice date must not be later than date of declaration and certification

1 E表格的日期必须与提单日期一样。
2 对E表格的日期差异仅限于提单日期之后的三天以内。
3 如果你签发的E表格日期与提单日期不符,但没有超出所许可的3天时间,那么请您要求有关部门在E表格上写上或者盖上“补发”的字样。
4 申报日期和发证日期均不得早于提单日期。
5 您的发票日期不得迟于申报和发证的日期。