
写一篇情景对话 3个人 至少要10分钟

第1个回答  2010-05-22
Do you need a recording of such situation or you are going to write?

Assuming you are going to write, you can consider the following;

1) how many persons - suppose two - the shopper and the sales person
2) What type of thing? e.g. Electrical goods, computer, food, gifts...etc
3) You can assume the shopper ask the sales person some questions about the goods and the sales explain it.
4) then you can ask about the price, warranty, compatible products, choice of features etc.
5) the sales can also offer additional goods, or after sales service
6) If needed, you can put in some negotiation of the price etc...

shouldn't be too difficult to write 15 min of dialogues.

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