In contrast to the fluorescent response of ZTRS to metal ions
in aqueous solutions, in 100% CH3CN Zn2+ and Cd2+ result in
blue-shifted emissions with the maximum wavelength change
from 481 to 430 and 432 nm, respectively (Supporting Information,
Figures S4, S5); however, the addition of Zn2+ and Cd2+
to ZTRS in 100% DMSO cause red-shifted emissions with the
maximum wavelength change from 472 to 512 and 532 nm,
respectively (Supporting Information, Figures S6, S7). The
Figure 1. Influence of pH on the fluorescence of ZTRS in acetonitrile/water (50:50, v/v). Excitation wavelength: 360 nm. [ZTRS] ) 10 μM. (a) pH
4.7-12.8. Inset: The fluorescence intensity at 483 nm as a function of pH; (b) pH 4.7-1.8. Inset: The ratiometric fluorescence changes as a function of pH.
Figure 2. (a) Fluorescence spectra of 10 μM ZTRS in the presence of various metal ions in aqueous solution (CH3CN/0.5 M HEPES (pH 7.4) ) 50:50).
Excitation at 360 nm. (b) Fluorescence spectra of ZTRS in the presence of different concentrations of Zn2+. The inset shows the Job plot evaluated from
the fluorescence with a total concentration of 10 μM.addition of other HTM ions results in blue-shift in emissions
in both CH3CN and DMSO (Supporting Information, Figures
S8, S9). However, a small blue-shift of the absorption maximum
of ZTRS in CH3CN, DMSO, and aqueous solution upon
addition of Zn2+ and Cd2+ (Supporting Information, Figures
S10-S15) indicates that the red-shifted emission does not result
from the deprotonation of amide NH group, because the
deprotonation of the NH group conjugated to 1,8-naphthalimide
would cause a red-shift in absorption spectra. 18h,25a These
spectral data suggest that ZTRS binds Zn2+ and Cd2+ in
different tautomeric forms, depending on the solvent and metal
ions (Scheme 3); ZTRS complexes both Zn2+ and Cd2+ in the
amide tautomer in CH3CN, and the imidic acid tautomer in
DMSO predominantly. However, other HTM ions bind to the
amide tautomer in both CH3CN and DMSO.
Further evidence for the amide and imidic acid tautomeric
binding modes (Scheme 3) is provided by 1H NMR titration
experiments of ZTRS with Zn2+ and Cd2+ in CD3CN (Supporting
Information, Figures S16, S17) and DMSO-d6 (Supporting
Information, Figures S18, S19), 2D NOESY of ZTRS
/Zn2+ (1:1 complex) in CD3CN (Figures 3, Supporting Information,
Figures S20, S21) and DMSO-d6 (Figures 3, S22-23),
and IR spectra of ZTRS/Zn2+ (1:1 complex) in CH3CN
(Supporting Information, Figure S24) and DMSO (Supporting
Information, Figure S25). As a reference, the binding properties
of ZTF with Zn2+ were also examined by means of 1H NMR
and IR spectra.
In contrast to the fluorescent response of ZTRS to metal ions in aqueous solutions, in 100% CH3CN Zn2+ and Cd2+ result in blue-shifted emissions with the maximum wavelength change from 481 to 430 and 432 nm, respectively (Supporting Information,Figures S4, S5); however, the ad...
意思是:这些结果也确认形成h40-star-pla-oh。锰 anddp的plablockswere发现约2600克\/摩尔的分别,18,通过计算相对强度峰值 在百万分之4.34(themethine组相邻的端羟基 集团在中国人民解放军块)和峰在百万分之5.15(剩余 甲基集团在中国人民解放军块)。正如预期的那样,三个新的信号 出现在频谱of...
for example ,the north and equatorial Atlantic Ocean from~10 S to 50 N receives one third or 3-8x109moly-1 dissoved Fe from aeolian input.adding to this one half of the global river input of Fe,or 1.3x109 moly-1,the combined inputs add up to 4.3-9.3x109
化学专业翻译,在线等 2013-09-22 17:12 提问者悬赏:20分 | jianxiaole321 | 分类:英语翻译 请帮我翻译以下英文文献,谢谢 CA solution was prepared by dissolving 1 g of CA in 100 ml ofacetone; 0.22 mol\/l acetone solutions were prepared fromCoCl26H2O, Co(NO3)26H2O, and CoBr2 anhydrous;...
anorthite CaAl Si O is an example of the use of this process for silicates or aluminosilicates in aqueous chemistry without citrate 2 2 8钙长石CaAl硅O是一个例子,使用这个进程的硅酸盐或aluminosilicates化学水溶液中没有柠檬酸2 2 8 chelation.螯合。 The amorphous precursor crystallises ...
这是根据字面意思翻译过来的,这好像是应用化学方面的,我对这个不是很懂。下面是每个单词的意思,给你作为参考吧:novel 新的 thiolated 硫醇化 carboxymethyl 羧甲基 chitosan 几丁聚糖 cyclodextrin 环糊精 muco- 黏性的 adhesive 粘合剂、粘性的 hydrophobic 疏水 ...
这个很显然是一个科技文献的摘要 本工作采用一个电极面积为200平方厘米的平行板反应器对通过阴极还原葡萄糖稳态合成山梨醇进行了研究。我们拓展了前人的工作,研究了流速,pH值以及电流密度的影响,讨论了20到47摄氏度区间内的温度效应,并对使用混汞铅与硬铅及其他金属作为电极材料进行了对比。试验结果显示...
1,一个200年的minimumnumber分散粒子被认为是在每个fractograph 识别尺寸分布。2、体重平均6 particlesizes从分布计算的尺寸使用followingequation:3,所有的样品都是金子之前轰轰烈烈的观察。4、旋转流变测量进行了anoscillatory模式在流变仪(200年,BohlinCo双子座流变仪。、伍斯特沙司、英国)配备了一个平行板...
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