Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Holiday Resort
Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Holiday Resort has an area of 14.76 km2, borders the state-level Nanjing Pukou High-Tech Industry Development Zone and the state-level Scientific & Industrial Park for enterprises from both sides of Taiwan Strait, and enjoys a favorable geographical location. The Resort is connected with three state highways and is therefore easily accessible. The “Magic Spring” is well known for a long time and has the most distinctive features. Over 30 springs are scattered here and there and the Pearl Spring is most wonderful for its “one spring with three views” and its water discharge stands at 34,000 tons/day. The spring water is determined by experts to be excellent quality natural mineral water.
Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Vacation Resort has attracted an increasing number of tourists and investors on the strength of its plentiful natural resources, perfect infrastructure and a vigorous growth momentum. In the Resort, one may find a 36-hole internationally standard golf court jointly invested with an American enterprise, along with a 9-hole mini golf court at Dingshan Recreation Center, Meilong Outdoor Sports Club, Kebel Camping Club, Pearl Spring Mountain Village, Forest Sea Mountain Village, and the 10000-meter Great Wall Entertainment Park of the Pearl Spring. One may also find a platform for singing in the camping area, with both the good sound effect of a karaoke room and the vastness of sound range. Besides, a variety of other recreational activities merging participation, amusement, interest and sightseeing into an organic whole are provided in the Resort, such as bamboo rafting, overwater bicycling, indoor car racing, fishing center, horse race court and so on. There is also a breeding farm of peacocks, with 100 grown-up peacocks.
Following further development and construction, Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Vacation Resort will shine with increasing splendor by relying its uniqueness of natural beauty, profundity of traditional culture and flavor of modern times. We sincerely welcome all men of insight to make progress here through joint venture and combine efforts to create an ideal paradise for tourism, leisure and vacation.
Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Holiday Resort Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourism & Holiday Resort has an area of 14.76 km2, borders the state-level Nanjing Pukou High-Tech Industry Development Zone and the state-level Scientific & Industrial Park for enterprises from both sides of Taiwan St...
yes, there is no such fresh air to breathe for a long time, the ones that can't help are deep and in one breath again. The green tree of both sides in the way is verdant,
以珍珠泉为代表的泉水群,古称“九九八十一泉”,现已查明 30多处。最著名者为:珍珠泉、卓锡泉、琥珀泉。 珍珠泉卓锡泉在度假区东,狮子峰下,定山寺遗址内。据记载:泉出定山寺观音阁下,上覆以板,暗流入阁前石池,池上嵌横石,有“卓锡泉”三字,池内游鱼潜泳,冬则藏阁下穴中,泉从石池右出,灌溉近田无旱岁。
- The translation of "珍珠泉" as "Pearl Spring" is more accurate than "Pearl Well," as the name refers to the springs, not a well.- "Qingyu Spring" is better translated as "Spring of Clear and Rainy," capturing the literal meaning of the name.- The phrase "Happy Guest ...
1、景区简介 南京珍珠泉风景区山青、水秀、泉奇、石美,风光秀丽,生态环境优良,早在1500多年前的南北朝时期即已驰名大江南北。风景区四周青山起伏、溪谷纵横、碧水涟涟、植被繁茂、亭阁掩映,被称为都市边的人间仙境、世外桃源。珍珠泉风景区内有珍珠泉、镜山湖、野营区、四方当代艺术湖区、佛手湖、晋...
珍珠泉的英文写法是:Zhenzhuquan 夫子庙的英文写法是:Confucius Temple 中山陵的英文写法是:Nanjing 新街口的英文写法是:Throw 在南京旅行时,如果你想要在地图上找到这些地点,记得将它们的英文名字输入。珍珠泉,一个充满自然魅力的泉眼,位于南京的山水之间,它的英文名称简洁明了,易于记忆。夫子庙,一...
1 本文介绍了济南珍珠泉井水固有振荡试验结果。 2 博物馆的新址在南京珍珠泉茂盛碧绿的草木景观环绕间,中国国际实践建筑艺术展览区入口处。 3 在这珍珠泉可以看到很多气泡不时不时浮上来。我们在泉边大声呐喊就有更多的气泡升上来!很好玩的! 4 6月中旬开始,珍珠泉的千日红、醉蝶、紫苏、百日草、麦秆菊、金花葵等10...
南京珍珠泉——探寻多种游玩乐趣的魅力之地 在南京浦口以西6公里处,隐藏着一个集自然景观、人文历史于一体的旅游胜地——珍珠泉。这里不仅有着独特的自然景观,还有许多令人难以忘怀的游玩项目,成为了众多游客向往已久的目的地。一进入珍珠泉度假区,首先映入眼帘的是琥珀泉。此...