

1. 如果你有一只下金蛋的母鸡,你该怎么办? 查看答案答案是:快醒醒,别做梦了。 2.公共汽车上,两个人正在热烈的交谈,可围观的人却一句话也听不到,这是因为什么? 答案是:这是一对聋哑人。 3.一个人在什么情况下,才处于真正的任人宰割的地步? 查看答案 答案是:在手术台上被麻醉时。 4.人们甘心情愿买假的东西是什么? 答案是:假发、假牙。 5.什么东西成天咬牙切齿的? 查看答案答案是:拉链。 6.口吃的人做什么事最吃亏? 查看答案 答案是:打长途电话。 7.要想不晕车,最好的办法是什么? 查看答案 答案是:步行 8.什么东西见者有份? 查看答案 答案是:阳光。 9.小白长得很像他的哥哥,打一句成语 答案:真相大白 10.为什么梨子是温度最高的水果 答:梨子(离子)烫 11. 世界上最富有同情心的动漫人物是谁? 答: 还是机器猫 为什么: 因为他总是向人伸出 圆手 ! 12. 世界上最最黑暗的动漫人物是谁 答: 机器猫 为什么: 因为他伸手不见五指 13.有一只狼来到了北极,不小心掉到ㄌ冰海中,被捞ㄌ起来时变成了什么 答: 槟榔 14.世界上什么鸡跑的快?什么鸡慢? A:肯德鸡块(快) 妮可基曼(慢) 15.非洲食人族的酋长吃什么? A:人啊! 16.那有一天,酋长病了,医生告诉他要吃素,那他吃什么? A:吃植物人! 17.什么动物最厉害 A:猪,因为猪(珠)算高手 18.什么动物最容易被贴在墙壁上 A:海(报)豹 19.吃饱饭了谁会帮你添饭 A:飞龙嘛,因为飞龙在(天)添 20.一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,结果了,问他是怎么的? A:他是憋的,因为沙漠里没有电线杆尿尿。 21.一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,找到了电线杆,结果还是憋了,为什么? A:点线杆上贴着“此处不许小便” 22.一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,找到了电线杆,上面没贴任何东西,结果还是憋了,为什么? A:很多小狗在排队,没等到。 23.一只小狗在沙漠中旅行,找到了电线杆,上面没贴任何东西,排队也排到了,结果还是憋了,为什么? A:因为后面是两个漂亮狗MM,他不好意思。 24.有一棵三角形的树被送到北极去种...请问长大后!那棵树叫... A…三角函数(寒树)... 25.老板,你这不叫牛肉面吗怎么连牛肉都没有! A:人家还叫老婆饼呢,难不成你买的时候还送你一个老婆! 26.白色的马叫白马,黑色的马叫黑马,黑白相间的马叫斑马,那么黑色白色红色相间的马叫什么马 A:是害羞的斑马,呵呵 27.有一天,有一根火柴棒它头很痒,就去抓,头就烧起来了。然后被送去医院,从急诊室出来之后,猜猜变成什么了 A:棉花棒,因为头被包扎起来了。 28.为什么蚕宝宝很有钱 因为...蚕会结茧(节俭) 29.狼、老虎和狮子谁玩游戏一定会被淘汰 狼,因为:桃太郎(淘汰狼) 30.神的交通工具是什么? -- 神奇(骑)宝贝 31.巧克力和西红柿打架,巧克力赢了。(打一食品名) 谜底:巧克力棒 32.巧克力和鸡蛋打架,巧克力又赢了。(再打一食品名) 谜底:巧克力棒棒 33.巧克力和西红柿、鸡蛋同时打架,巧克力又赢了。(再次打一食品名) 谜底:西红柿鸡蛋面 34.巧克力和鸡蛋又打架,巧克力又赢了。(再打一食品名) 鸡蛋酥 35.一根手指头的英文叫做 ONE,两根手指头的英文叫做TWO,依次类推,四根手手指头的英 文叫做 four,那么弯起来的四根手指头的英文叫什么 答案:WONDERFFUL (弯的FOUR) 36.为什么狗越来越小? 答案:因为狗越走越远 37.有一只蜘蛛它走过一堆屎,请问他用几只脚走路 -不是8脚走...而是.. -是用6只脚,因为它用了两脚塞鼻子捂臭~ 38.小白,小黄,小蓝坐长途汽车,谁会晕车 答:小白,因为小白会吐(小白兔) 39.屈原的老婆姓什么 姓陈,因为屈陈(臣)氏 40.猴子最讨厌什么线? 并行线,因为没有相交(香蕉) 41.哪为历史人物最欠扁 苏武-苏武牧羊北海边(被海扁) 42.一只兔子和一只跑得很快的乌龟赛跑,猜一猜谁赢拉? A:兔子~~ Q:错~!是乌龟拉,前面有说是一只跑很快的乌龟,跑很快噢~~ Q:兔子不甘心,又和一只戴了墨镜的乌龟比赛跑步,这次谁赢拉? A:恩。。兔子吧 Q:错~~!那只乌龟把墨镜一摘,也!又是刚才那只跑很快的乌龟噢^O^

保护大象的英语作文篇一 Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long tru...

My favorite animal is the elephant. Elephants are the largest mammals on land and are also incredibly intelligent. They can reach heights of up to 10 feet and weigh over several tons. These majestic creatures can live for up to 70 years. They consume hundreds of pounds of grass ...

My favorate animal is elephant.The elephant is the largest mammal on land,and they are very smart animals too.They can grow up to 10 feet tall and weight over many tons.Elephants can live up to 70 years.They eat hundreds of pounds grass everyday.There are two species of el...

(My favorite animal is the elephant. An elephant has a lot of kinds, but I only know four kinds: Indian elephant, the African elephant, Congo like, like African forest. The elephant's ear is very big, is like big stalk ears, has the function of long nose and beautiful an...

篇一:保护大象的英语作文 篇二:保护大象的英语作文 Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually ...

大象的英语作文【1】Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some niy kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk ...

Asia and African elephants are two of my favorite animals. They have distinct features that set them apart. The Asian elephant has smaller ears compared to the African variety. Its ears are still large, resembling fans. The African elephant, on the other hand, has larger ears that...

Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things.They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants reduces.People kill elephants for their ...

保护大象的英语作文:As one of the largest and most intelligent animals on earth, elephants are magnificent creatures that deserve our utmost respect and protection. However, they are also at risk of extinction due to human activities such as hunting, habitat destruction, and poaching ...

描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快快快~谢谢啦
I like elephants, more like nature, I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world.中:在美丽的大自然里,有许多可爱的小动物和大动物,其中,我最喜欢大象。大象的体形非常巨大,连狮子和老虎也怕它。它四肢笨重,跑起来很慢,可它鼻子很长,再重的东西它都能举起来,那宽...
