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内容是:这个包裹我已经找回 是签收以后忘记交给我了 另外四月20号订购的M号夹克 没有发货给我 我该如何退款 或者能补发一件给我吗 M或者XL的都可以。

第1个回答  2016-06-16
I found this parcel, it have been forgot to pass to me after I signed for receiving. For the other M size jackets that I ordered on 20th April, it's not sent to me. How am I going to refund back, or can you please send it to me again, either the size of M or XL, both is acceptable.
第2个回答  2016-06-16

好的 谢谢啦


I have found the packing, which was sent to me after making the contract.
Also, I don't receive the M Jack ordered at 20th,April.How to take back the money?Could you give me a M or XL one to take place of it?
