

第1个回答  2015-01-02
January 24, which is a day that I flied to the United States, is the most memorable day in my life. On that day, I not only came to the United States alone, but also meant I will face my future life with an independent attitude.
The plane took off at 8 am, but I've got up early because of excitement. Surely, my mom and dad also woke up at 3 am, and the whole family into the busy state. In retrospect, there was full of atmosphere of exhilaration and sadness in the family during that time. The happiness part was that I would have to embark on the journey of mysterious; and the sorrowful part was that I would have to leave my parents for long time.
This is the first time I went to Beijing Capital Airport, about 35 square meters of the huge airport, 66 domestic and foreign flights and efficient operation of the bus stop, really made me open the sight. After an hour of farewell, security checks, boarding, I flew across the Atlantic with my own dreams and my parents’ hope.
When the plane took off, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, then tinnitus, dizziness, fever came one after another. However, I did not have a trace of regret, because I know this is a way to self-improvement, and it is also my own choice. About an hour later, the plane began a smooth flight, but the mind and physical pain that always follow me. So I had to use the blur of sleep to forget everything. When I awake, the aircraft has reached the Pacific Ocean, I realized that I got in a foreign land, and the feeling of homesick was suddenly flooded my whole brain. Gradually, I met lots of friends by exchanging, most of them from China. Through a period of conversation, my heart slowly calmed down, and I felt I begin to adapt to the current state.本回答被网友采纳