
Air Pollutants Source and Effect
Air contaminants are categorized in this text as particulate matter and gases and their associated forms,including dust,smoke,fumes,mist,and vapor .A substance is not normally identified as an air contaminant until its presence and concentration actually or potentially produce or contribut to development of a deleterious effect.

Sources of Air Contaminants
Air contaminants originate in a wide variety of chemical compositions and different physical states and are emitted from a diversity of sources .Discussions follow which identify primary air contaminants and their principal sources.The term ‘primary’is used to denote direct emissions of a contaminant.In some cases,secondary air contaminants are formed in the atmosphere by chemical interactions among primary contaminants and normal atmospheric constituents.

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide(CO) is a colorless,odorless,tasteless gas formed primarily by the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels.Important variables affecting the emission concentration include combustion chamber residence time and turbulence,flame temperature ,and oxygen concentration.
By far,the major source of carbon monoxide is fuel combustion in the internal combustion engine of mobile sources. Miscellaneous combustion sources and industrial processes contribute to a much lesser extent.
A companion gas emission from fuel combustion is carbon dioxide (CO2) ,which is also a secondary contaminant formed by the oxidation of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.


A substance is not normally identified as an air contaminant until its presence and concentration actually or potentially produce or contribut to development of a deleterious effect.

Air Pollutants Source and Effect
Air contaminants are categorized in this text as particulate matter and gases and their associated forms,including dust,smoke,fumes,mist,and vapor .A substance is not normally identified as an air contaminant until its presence and concentration actually or potentially produce or contribut to development of a deleterious effect.


Sources of Air Contaminants
Air contaminants originate in a wide variety of chemical compositions and different physical states and are emitted from a diversity of sources .Discussions follow which identify primary air contaminants and their principal sources.The term ‘primary’is used to denote direct emissions of a contaminant.In some cases,secondary air contaminants are formed in the atmosphere by chemical interactions among primary contaminants and normal atmospheric constituents.

空气污染物来源于各式各样的化学成分和不同的物理状态,并且有着广泛的散发源。这里的讨论集中在识别初级的空气污染物和他们的主要来源。这里,词汇 ”初级的” 被用来指污染物的直接散发。在某种情形下,次级的空气污染物由初级的污染物在大气中的相互化学作用以及与大气成份中的正常化学组份相互作用而形成。

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide(CO) is a colorless,odorless,tasteless gas formed primarily by the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels.Important variables affecting the emission concentration include combustion chamber residence time and turbulence,flame temperature ,and oxygen concentration.
By far,the major source of carbon monoxide is fuel combustion in the internal combustion engine of mobile sources. Miscellaneous combustion sources and industrial processes contribute to a much lesser extent.
A companion gas emission from fuel combustion is carbon dioxide (CO2) ,which is also a secondary contaminant formed by the oxidation of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.

一氧化碳 (CO) 是一种无色、无嗅、并且没有味道的气体,主要由含碳燃料的不完全燃烧而形成。影响散发浓度的重要变数包括燃烧室滞留时间以及紊流,火焰温度,和氧气的浓度。至今,一氧化碳主要来源于移动来源(汽车,火车,轮船等)的内燃机中的燃料燃烧。 各种其它的燃烧来源和工业流程对此贡献要小得多。
第1个回答  2006-09-27
第2个回答  2006-09-27
空气污染物被在作为微粒子物质的这本文分类,而且瓦斯和他们的联合表格,包括灰尘, 吸烟,熏,模糊,而且蒸发。物质不通常被直到它的出现和集中实际上确认为一个空气污染物或可能地对有害效果的发展农产品或 contribut。

空气污染物在各式各样的化学作文和不同的身体州开始而且被从一种来源的不同发出。讨论跟随哪一个识别提名候选人的预选会空气污染物和他们的主要来源。期限 'primary'is 过去一直指示污染物的直接散发。在一些情形,第二次的空气污染物在气氛下被在主要的污染物和正常的大气成份之中的化学交互作用所形成。


一氧化碳 (CO) 是主要地被碳燃料的不完全燃烧所形成的一种无色、无臬、以及没味道的瓦斯。影响散发集中的重要变数包括燃烧室住宅时间和喧嚣、火焰温度和氧集中。
显然,一氧化碳的主要来源在移动来源的内在燃烧引擎中是燃料燃烧。 各种的燃烧来源和工业的程序成为很多的因素。

第3个回答  2006-09-27
Air Pollutants Source and Effect
Air contaminants are categorized in this text as particulate matter and gases and their associated forms,including dust,smoke,fumes,mist,and vapor .
