急 关于 我的卫校生活 的英语作文,80字左右

随便怎么写,只要和卫校生活沾边都行。 中文也行。

My medical school life
I am a fresh in a medical school. My subject is Chinese traditional medicine. Myschool life is very interesting even though I have many works every day. The followingis one day of my school life.
I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. Myclasses begin at 8:00a.m, I have fourclasses in the morning. In the afternoon,I have four classes,too. Except learn the medicine course .I also studyEnglish 、math 、history 、artand some other subjects. I want to be a doctor in the future because I can helpother people to solve their pain. When I was a child, I have made my mind to bea doctor cause every time I went to the hospital. The doctor helped me toreduce the pain. I respect them very much. So I need to learn hard so that I canhelp more people and better. Except medicines, English is my favorite subject,andI often speak English with my classmates.
I stay at school oneweek. So I eat at school. Only on the weekend I went home. Every day I go tobed about 10 o’clock at nigh. I like my medical school life.
第1个回答  2014-07-22