2009年12月22日消息,研究机构Strategy Analytics发布最新的研究报告“全球数字媒体和娱乐市场预测 2004-2012”。该报告结果显示,全球数字媒体收入在2008年将超过8450亿美元。特别在21世纪全球信息化产业逐步成熟,逐渐成为各国推动经济发展的重要力量的数字产业,其涵盖领域不仅包括各大传媒(传统媒体),还包括近十几年发展迅猛的“第四媒体”和“第五媒体”。
关键词 数字媒 发展 现状 数字技术 行业
(我英语水平太差了 论文就剩这个没完成了 请大家帮个忙 先谢谢了)
人工翻译。友好城市查不到只好翻成friendly city
亲爱的Robin:Dear Rbin 你好!我是一个女孩。我的中文名字是张竹清,而我的英文名字是Vermouth。Hello! I'm a girl. My name is Zhang Zhuqing,but my English name is Vermoutho 认识你很开心!我是中国青岛育才中学的一名七年级学生。我非常喜欢你送给我的书和徽章。I'm very glad to meet ...
Cheng's father passed away two years. Has not portrait. One day he chanced to meet an old beggar was exactly like his father. Words like go home, so that artists painted Zhang shining portrait of his father. That have enough to eat a good addition to the daily management, ...
One day, a scientist did an experiment.他把鸡蛋,胡萝卜和巧克力豆放进一个锅中,煮了几个小时后,He put an egg, a carrot and chocolate bean in a pan and boiled for several hours.当他再走进厨房时,巧克力的香味充满了整个房间,但胡萝卜已经不见了踪影,鸡蛋还是硬硬的.Back to the...
We will begin our school 2 weeks later.Let me say something about our school and the education of our country. There're many classes in our grade. Each class has more than 60 students. The number of the students in my class is 3 times as large as yours. In our country, ...
mentioned in front of me so far? The ones chasing you are not the ones will be good to you. Could you realize what I was feeling when hearing those words from you?您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。
if Tom didn’t dare to join in the recitation competition, chances are that no other students in the class did, either.5.我确实知道,现在有不少母亲太溺爱自己的孩子了。I know for sure that quite a few mothers nowadays are too protective of their own children.希望对你有帮助 ...
Natural calamity of agriculture means that the agricultural production dependent natural force makes the orderly agricultural system become disorderly due to the reverse succession and eventually causes crop failures 严重的农业自然灾害往往会给一个国家和民族带来巨大的灾难,甚至毁灭性的打击。Severe...
the maze, never a after people get to come back alive.One day, the three young people, a biologist, a farmer, a soldier decided to proceed to the other side of the mountain to find treasures. They brought enough food to the proceeding.They also brimming with confidence at the...
英:“谢谢你让我知道了什么是成长!”You make me know what is growing up.文:“男人是因为女人而成长的,那女人呢?”Men grow up because of women,but women?英:“女人应该是因为爱上一个男人才长大的.”Women grow up for falling love with a man.文:“可是往往令彼此成长的人,...