
书面表达(1题,满分10分)初中生活即将过去,回顾初中三年的学校生活,有满意的也有不满意的,对自己三年的学习生活进行反思有助于未来成长。假设你是Nancy,请根据下面的提示,用英语写一封信给你的学弟学妹们,希望对他们有所帮助。 对自己满意的方面 努力学习,养成了良好的学习习惯 乐于帮助同学,并且是一个很好的倾听者 交了一些好朋友,学习生活上互相帮助 对自己不满意的方面 由于学习紧张,锻炼身体较少 参加社会公益活动较少,但暑假会参加一些 要求:1. 文章应包含所给的提示要点,但不必逐词翻译,可适当扩充;2. 词数不得少于80词,信的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;3. 语句通顺,行文流畅,字迹工整,卷面整洁。参考词汇:社会公益活动social public activity;养成formDear friends,How time flies and I’ll graduate from the school soon.Yours ,Nancy

Dear friends,
How time flies and I’ll graduate from the school soon. Think back to the three years, I’ve learned a lot .I have been studying hard and have developed/formed good study habits since I entered the middle school. As a result, I always get good marks in my exams. And I am always ready to help my classmates when they are in trouble. What’s more, I am a good listener when my classmates tell me their unhappy feelings. So I have some friends, we help each other with study and life.
However,I took less exercise and seldom took part in social public activities because there was always too much homework to do. I didn’t have enough time to do so . But this summer I am going to take part in some social public activities. For example, I ’ll volunteer my time to join in a clean- up campaign.
I hope my experience can help you.

【亮点说明】这篇短文不使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。.如I am always ready to help my classmates when they are in trouble. I took less exercise and seldom took part in social public activities because there was always too much homework to do. I ’ll volunteer my time to join in a clean- up campaign等,What’s more, However等使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。