
假设您通过Rochester Industries 公司得知DynaPower 公司得掌上电脑(pocket computer)。您撰写电邮向该公司查询产品资料以及在香港市场是否有潜力。您要索取宣传手册、价格等重要资料,同时也想询问该公司在香港是否有代理商。您想借此机会附上贵公司(Super e-Notes, Ltd.)的宣传手册,介绍有关情况。
1.请在你地区尽力推销这种新产品。(to promote)
2.我公司专营化工品进口业务。(to specialize in/to be specialized in )
3.按照你方要求,我们把样品另邮你处。(under separate cover/by separate mail)
4.我们喜欢这种款式而不是那种。(to prefer…to…)
5.贵方一定很清楚运费近来已上涨了。(be aware that)
6.这是一种理想的木材代用品。(substitute n.)
7.由于所需型号脱销,我们将用下列型号代替。(to replace …. by/with)
8.试销订货会使你们相信我们产品的优质。(a trial order, to convince sb. of sth.)
× ×先生:

第1个回答  2010-04-26
Cheng X Country XX Co., Ltd. will be your company as a promising Chinese cotton buyers introduced to our company. Cotton belongs to my company's business scope, we would like to (be happy) with your company to establish direct business relations.
To enable your company to my company all cotton cloth for export picture about the goods are enclosing a brochure and price list of all. Once received your letter of the company's specific inquiry, immediately airmail to our quotations and samples.
Hope good news
Suppose you know DynaPower Rochester Industries Inc. Company may Pocket PC (pocket computer). Write your e-mail inquiries to the company's product information as well as whether the market potential in Hong Kong. You should obtain a copy of brochures, price and other important information, but also would like to ask whether the agents in Hong Kong. You would like to take this opportunity to attach your company (Super e-Notes, Ltd.) Brochure to introduce the situation.
1. Please try to sell you the new product area. (To promote)
2. I specialize in chemical imports. (To specialize in / to be specialized in)
3. As requested, we email you sample another office. (Under separate cover / by separate mail)
4. We love this style, not that. (To prefer ... to ...)
5. It must be very clear of your shipping costs have recently risen. (Be aware that)
6. This is an ideal substitute for wood. (Substitute n.)
7. Because the required model out of stock, we will be replaced with the following models. (To replace .... By / with)
8. Test marketing order would you believe that our product quality. (A trial order, to convince sb. Of sth.)
× × President:
We acknowledge receipt of your vitamin C, the first PL-23 on order, delivery time is six, in July.
I will be in accordance with the agreement of a timetable, according to the company on April 19 the conditions set out in the shipping quote.
Hope that this order can make your satisfaction and hope in the future I continue to order
第2个回答  2010-04-27
Bearing X country XX Co., LTD. Will your company as a promising Chinese cotton buyers introduce. The company's business scope cotton belongs to me, we wish to you (to be) to establish direct business relations company.
To make your company to our company for export various cotton profiles, enclosing commodity brochures and a price list. Once received your letter of specific inquiry, mail to my company's aerospace quotation and sample.
Wish caroling
Assume that your company DynaPower learned through tests offered to PDA (pocket company is). You write emails to this company product information and market potential in Hong Kong. You should claim brochures, price and other important information, also want to ask the company in Hong Kong are agents. You want to take this opportunity to attach your company (Super e - Notes, Ltd), is introduced.
1 please in your area to sell this kind of new products. (sell)
2 my company specializes in import business in chemicals. (to specialize in/to specialized in)
3 according to your request, we have another email you samples. (under separate separate care/by E-mail),
4 we like this style rather than that. (...) -- to...
5. You must be very clear recently has risen by freight. (aware)..
6. It is an ideal substitute for wood. Substitute (n.)
7 as required model is out of stock, we will use the following instead. Replace any worse). /...
8. We believe that your trial order exhibition products quality. (a trial, forms of athletes and convince sb.)
Mr. X:
We acknowledge receipt of your company vitamin C - 23 first PL, delivery orders for June and July.
My company will be in accordance with the agreement, the schedule according to my company, April 19 daily price listed conditions for delivery.
Hope this order can satisfy you, and wish to my future orders本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-04-26
Cheng X country XX Limited will you company as promising Chinese cotton buyers introduced to me company. Cotton belong I company business scope, we willing (will happy) with your firm direct business relationship. To you company my company exportable various cotton overview understand now enclosing commodity booklet and pricelist copy each. Once received your company specific inquiry letter immediately airmails go my company quotations and samples. Hope caroling Suppose you through Rochester Industries company learned DynaPower company may Pocket PC (pocket computer). You compose Email to company inquiries products information and in Hong Kong market whether potential. You want request brochure, and prices important information also wanted inquired the company whether Hong Kong there agents. You want opportunity attach your company Super e-Notes, Ltd publicity manual introduce the situation.
1. Please you regional try sell this new products. 2. I company franchised chemicals import business. 3. Accordance your request, we sample another Post you Department. 4. We like this fashion instead kind. 5. Your necessarily clearly freight have recently rose. 6. This is a ideal timber substitutes. 7. Because required model stockouts, we will use following models substitute. 8. Test marketing ordering will you believe our products quality. × × Mr.: We confirm received your vitamin C section PL-23 Order No delivery six, July. I company will accordance agreement timetable, according I company 19 April quotations listed conditions shipped. Hope these ordering make your satisfaction and hope future ongoing me order.
第4个回答  2010-04-28
第5个回答  2010-04-28