
某某公司是一个讲究缘分的企业,加入是缘,合作也是缘,公司成立以来,紧紧围绕资源优势做文章,拓展生存发展新空间,坚持生产全程有机化,努力打造中国北方有机食品第一品牌。公司践行有机食品“三四五六七”科学体系: “三全程”——生产技术全程模式化、生产栽培全程机械化、产品质量全程安全化。“四专用”——专用品种有机种植、专用品种收获贮存、专用品种精深加工、专用品种市场销售。 “五标准”——农事界限标准化、作物品种标准化、田间作业标准化、产品加工标准化、人员素质标准化。“六体系”——全程机械化体系、科技支撑体系、栽培技术体系、农田基本建设体系、规范化管理体系、科技创新培训体系。“七个化”——设计工程化、生产工厂化、监控智能化、管理集约化、服务社会化、经营产业化、人员知识化。

第1个回答  2015-04-25
A company is an enterprise with about fate, is the edge, cooperation is also a reason, since the founding of the company, focus on the resource advantage, develop new space for survival and development, adhere to the production of organic whole, and strive to build the first brand China organic food. The company practice organic food "three four five six seven" system of Science: "three full" -- the whole mode of production technology, production mechanization, the whole safety of product quality. "Four special" special varieties of organic farming, exclusive varieties, exclusive varieties harvest storage processing, special varieties of market sales. "Five standard" - farming boundaries of standardization, standardization, standard operation crop field, product standardization, standardization of the personnel quality. The "six system" -- the mechanization system, technology support system, cultivation system, the basic construction of farmland system, standardized management system, the innovation of science and technology training system. "Seven" - design, factory production, intelligent monitoring and management intensive, service socialization, industrialization and knowledge.