The first act [b] [/ b] valentine's day,Cow: hey, look, what doesn't really painful radio to read books? All trouble
Penny: hi's sister is not every year in hard today? No wonder that you don't get excited, I also was unbalanced
Cow: what! O I everyday
Penny: calculate excuses for not all like valentine's day holiday you sad hi have a boyfriend calculate however like me who receives the beauty should also hi star-crossed
Cow: come on, you can still do you sick star-crossed I see is long
Penny: no! Anyway all the same if nobody accompanies a boyfriend just hey I request is not high as a little better than Andy lau: just so little that I deserve it? You said static
O: what made me still finish this problem
Penny: cattle, o you dizzy
Wife: you listen to my brother etc that I really didn't mean it
Belle: smelly boy dare to play me I was professor
Wife: I really think I could write who download the blind is that what you break the professor published
Belle: yeah! Who would have thought of you who will have the opportunity to see whether the sun waiting for tomorrow together with the Iraqi people pray tomorrow
Wife: boss I was wrong, I didn't dare to the next ANiu will help me the medicine
Belle: next time you want to have the next
RMB: oh what fell fast cast out, I have never lost a lot for the loser is how you are here hey
Penny: what? You so as to self-study
RMB: there is handsome but today I but riches! Wish everyday is a valentine's day so I can have confidence in more than 20 years, Bill Gates has to take
Penny: oh, I won't give you any boy tried to chase my this young lady is not so good bait
RMB: a dollar
Penny: what a dollar
RMB: come on you when I was a philanthropist the roses are sold me the last remaining in a classmate's sake will charge you a cost one dollar hurry
Penny: you go to your roses
Don't throw the gibbet stem ah, I broke or otherwise, I want you to compensate
ANiu: RMB you too! Not a rose
Penny: not just a rose
ANiu: gave penny let her in valentine's day has rose up
Penny: who wants to you
This is not ANiu RMB: yi? You how can here
ANiu: oh how can't I
RMB: of course not! You can be a cucumber brother today isn't what's on
ANiu: I today and cucumber
Today, but you of the valentine's day holiday
ANiu: who said I and he is
The truth: gee hasn't admit in the eyes
ANiu: I really
RMB to sell the roses cucumber still perhaps can earn two three
ANiu: I and how could he that that
RMB exchange rate: hello: now how much 8.31
The ANiu: why would think so don't understand
Penny: this also no wonder who called you all two pairs idiot would think so
ANiu: paired idiotic to cut it
Penny: look at that cucumber cucumber
Cucumber: oh really exhausted me
Penny: cucumber you big box of small box
Cucumber: I don't want to, but I am born the life that I have what way
How ANiu: who is your chocolate
What is all hide cucumber: but my sister
Penny: why are you carrying on which of the elder sister
ANiu: maybe the supermarket's aunt
Cucumber: what do you see this cut like a girl to send
Penny: otherwise is a boy
Cucumber: play to didn't mean it with me this handsome and natural and unrestrained graceful bearing the handsome prince generous woman sending this day someone's things don't cry to shout a somebody else give I see no way to die, I just don't understand those little girls
Penny: there you are... Made today
Cucumber: tell me about it, not even box of chocolate is still depends on what is the lowest price is $decades as the three digits of chocolate I see one took it into the dustbin today, don't know how many girls cry. What is it this way: hi times son have corp.this face
ANiu: ah! The cucumber in uh-oh, I know the way is to carry these are just some of the face is enough for you to call me or a girl
Cucumber: you see this truth call me on my mobile phone, you still play embarrassedly and shy girl
ANiu: that you think why she didn't play your mobile phone
Cucumber: hi somebody else a little girl is always a bit shy? This is not understand my mobile phone? Gee I phone
ANiu: just the shy girl say you are shy of chocolate in the supermarket buy when the phone down on the counter
Cucumber: oh shit
Penny, ANiu: cut hypocrisy
Wang: cucumber how tomorrow also don't now ready to PE! Run so fast to learn to fly? Tomahawk missiles
ANiu: he also wish to fly? How come you miss wang
Wang: oh, this is your next week I filled out the form now go to France, but it's not easy, I spent great effort to get hereãç»æå
The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very athletic. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh, there’s nothing here. Oh, I’m very hungry. (Sleep soundly)老虎: 我是一...
《男孩和他的树》中英文小品剧本 从前,有一棵巨大的苹果树。一个小男孩每天都喜欢在树下玩耍。他爬树,吃苹果,在树荫下小睡……他爱和树玩,树也爱和他玩。时间过的很快,小男孩长大了,他不再每天都来树下玩耍了。“来和我玩吧。”树说。“我不再是孩子了,我再也不会在树下玩了。”男...
prologue 序幕 (j作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,j被打中,狼狈不堪)j:everybody says that i’m hen pecked, but in fact,i’m a strong tiger,(小声)while my wife is wusong.译:人人都说我怕老婆,实际上我是老虎,(小声)我妻子是武松。(指着上台处的门大声道)i’m not afraid of...
英语幽默短剧剧本 带翻译
旁白(Aside )\/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. 在很久很久以前,有个疯狂的国度住着一群疯狂的人,用疯狂的方式给人们讲述着疯狂的故事。o(∩_∩)o...哈哈Mr...
英语短剧2人的剧本 要有中文翻译哈 简短 搞笑都可以?
男:Can I have your name?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?)女:Why?Don’t you already have one?(为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?)男:I’m a photographer.I’ve been looking for a face like yours.(我是摄影师.我一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸.)女:I’m a plastic surgeon.I’ve ...
搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》Wanders every five miles 焦仲卿Johnny(J for short)刘兰芝Lunch(L for short)焦母Johnny's mother(JM for short)刘母Lunch’s mother(LM for short)太守之子Mayor’s son(MS for short)强盗Burglars(ABandC)(J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J:...
A:对不起,我不知道“钱包”这个单词怎么讲……F:通过这一事件,我们可以认识到,掌握一门外语的重要性,以及金钱给人类带来的影响。是吗,椅子?E:是啊,是啊(E傻傻地拼命点头)C:唉,人可真愚蠢,椅子也被他们弄傻了。D:谁让这是一个童话呢……A:sir,sir,please give me a piece of ...
人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S: Bajie,map!E: (摸出,递给S)S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)T: Bajie!How Many times I have ...
Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits?X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. This is my best high school friend Lanlan.Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao.S: hi! We...
“他们在找我.”2 前台小姐:“hello?”老外:“hi.”前台小姐:“you have what thing?”老外:“can you speak English?”前台小姐:“if I not speak English,I am speaking what?”老外:“can anybody else speak English?”前台小姐:“you yourself look.all people are playing,no people...