


Dongguan is located in the south China region, central and southern guangdong province, eastern pearl river mouth, northwest of guangzhou, shenzhen in the south, northeast of huizhou,propulsion and guangzhou port as well as the integration of urban rail transit.

东莞地处中国华南地区、广东省中南部、珠江口东岸,西北接广州市,南接深圳市,东北接惠州市,推进与广州的港口以及城市轨道交通一体化 。

Is one of the pearl river delta center city, a large bay area of guangdong, one of the city, one of the city circle in shenzhen city, as the first of "the guangdong tigers", so-called "world factory", Guangdong is an important transportation hub and foreign trade ports.

是珠三角中心城市之一、粤港澳大湾区城市之一,深圳都市圈城市之一、为“广东四小虎”之首,号称“世界工厂”,是广东重要的交通枢纽和外贸口岸 。

Dongguan is one of the birthplaces of Guangfu culture, one of the important birthplaces of Cantonese music, and also the hometown of Cantonese opera in China. 


Dongguan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and has been awarded the titles of National Forest City, International Garden City, National Civilized City, National Basketball City and so on.

东莞是著名的华侨之乡,曾获得国家森林城市、国际花园城市、全国文明城市 、全国篮球城市等称号。

第1个回答  2021-10-15


Dongguan is located in the south China region, central and southern guangdong province, eastern pearl river mouth, northwest of guangzhou, shenzhen in the south, northeast of huizhou,propulsion and guangzhou port as well as the integration of urban rail transit.


Is one of the pearl river delta center city, a large bay area of guangdong, one of the city, one of the city circle in shenzhen city, as the first of "the guangdong tigers", so-called "world factory", Guangdong is an important transportation hub and foreign trade ports.


Dongguan is one of the birthplaces of Guangfu culture, one of the important birthplaces of Cantonese music, and also the hometown of Cantonese opera in China.


第2个回答  2014-10-26
I believe we all know that we are striving to Dongguan, the national civilized city, so we need no extra points, Dongguan civilization. Dongguan What is the result of civilization? Dongguan because of you, my civilization and civilized. Our Dongguan If there is no corresponding state of mind, environmental atmosphere and civilized behavior, there would be no civilization, Dongguan, Dongguan, includes both material civilization, Dongguan, also includes the spirit of Dongguan, Dongguan, the spirit of all of us who need a common, a long-term efforts. Civilization is a step forward in scientific thinking, behavior of the upright habit of improvement, the improvement of cultivation, quality upgrading; it is the liberation of humanity, freedom, perfection and beyond. Growth from an educational point of view, civilization is on a farewell to the ignorance and vulgarity, is conscious control of human nature to overcome and defeat does not meet the social, legal, discipline, morality instincts desire is to their mutual hostility from each other to prevent the liberation of out, from the war to liberate the soul from the narrow utilitarian and secular fetters freed ... ... the reality of our growth and development needs call for the return of civilization, reconstruction and development, looking around four are still frequent the same uncivilized phenomenon appeared around us. For example: Language uncivilized, some students have exported into a dirty, fights curse events also occasionally occur; environment is not clean and tidy, along with the duty of labor, some students of the damage to the environment, drink cups, tissues, plastic bags, scraps of paper discarded everywhere, and even worked tirelessly around these things Tibetan, 4 plugs, not promptly clean up garbage and ref 要一篇关于东莞的英语演讲稿,最好有中英文对照。
