Katherine Mansfield人物简介


Katherine Mansfield, known by her pen name Kathleen Mansfield, was a highly acclaimed short fiction writer. Born in Wellington, New Zealand in 1888, she pursued her studies at Queens College, London, where she encountered influential figures like D. H. Lawrence and John Middleton Murry, a renowned critic, who would later become her spouse.

Despite facing years of poor health and the challenges of a freelance career and reviewing, Mansfield achieved notable success with the publication of 'Bliss and Other Stories' in 1920 and 'The Garden Party' in 1922. Critics admired her ability to distill the essence of Chekhov's storytelling art, focusing on atmosphere and real-life experiences over dramatic plot developments, and commended her 'refreshing originality' and 'sensitivity to beauty'.

Unfortunately, as her international fame grew, so did her health issues. Katherine Mansfield succumbed to tuberculosis in 1923, leaving behind a legacy of influential literary works and a testament to her remarkable talent.


凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德,(Katherine Mansfield),短篇小说家。1888年生于新西兰惠灵顿。于伦敦皇后学院学习期间结识劳伦斯和著名评论家约翰·默里,其后与默里结婚。凯瑟琳长期遭受病痛折磨,作为一个自由撰稿人和批评家,她笔耕不辍,终于以《天赐的福及其他故事》和《游园会》取得成功。评论家赞誉其捕捉到了契诃夫的艺术精髓,侧重生活的原汁原味而非出其不意的情节,创新让人耳目一新,对美有敏锐的直觉。在获得世界声誉的同时,她的健康每况愈下,1923年因肺结核病逝。


Katherine Mansfield 的写作特点~~

求:英国女作家 曼斯菲尔德英文简介
Mansfield,Katherine 英国作家。1888 年10月14日生于新西兰惠灵顿 ,1923年1月9日卒于法国枫丹白露镇。19岁到伦敦,从事文学创作。她的创作有短篇小说、诗和文学评论,并与人合译过契诃夫和高尔基的作品。她最早的短篇小说集《在德国公寓里》是1909年旅居巴伐利亚时的试笔,批评了当地对婢仆的非人待遇、...

...garden party 的翻译作者是katherine mansfield 凯瑟琳 曼斯菲尔德...

Katherine Mansefield是谁?什么时候出生的?
by Jan Pilditch (1995); Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf by Angela Smith (1999); Katherine Mansfield: A Literary Life by Angela Smith (2000) - John Middleton Murry (1889-1957), writer and critic, born in London.由Jan皮尔迪奇(1995年);凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德和弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的安吉拉史密斯(1999年...

Katherine Mansfield人物简介
Katherine Mansfield, known by her pen name Kathleen Mansfield, was a highly acclaimed short fiction writer. Born in Wellington, New Zealand in 1888, she pursued her studies at Queens College, London, where she encountered influential figures like D. H. Lawrence and John Middleton ...

急求Katherine Mansfield凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德的《THE FLY》(苍蝇)中文版...
急求Katherine Mansfield凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德的《THE FLY》(苍蝇)中文版本~谢谢! 5  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览50 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 凯瑟琳 曼斯菲尔德 katherine mansfield 《the fly》 搜索资料 本地图片 图片...

...的内容总结(小说的作者:Katherine Mansfield)

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a dill pickle-by Katherine Mansfield
莳萝腌汁由Katherine 曼斯菲尔德

...the writing techniques of Katherine Mansfield. thank you very...
you should go to the website of the Hope English.
