

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-22
Hello! Thank you for your mother take care of these twelve years, ten years you are like a day care of me, never say hard. Your love for me, is the most selfless love. This love, just selfless dedication, not seeking anything in return. This is your mother's love for me - the great "Mother Love." In fact, your special love beautiful mother, but your hands a little rough, but can not hear you complain loudly. Because you want to help me do the laundry every day, wash boxes, even mopping the floor, cooking. Mess room, my mother's hand for a consolidation to become spotless. So my mother that smooth hand, has become a bit rough. You usually do not like nagging mother, can I have your love are always whining, and sometimes, you nagging me a few words, I will talk back with you, because your words annoying, saying again and again, over and again, hear my ears heard came out of calluses. But once made me understand my mother's nagging is not nonsense, but love the Reminder. Day and as usual, sounded in my ear no longer familiar with the familiar "Melody", "Yang Yang Do not forget to bring something, scarf, badge, lunch boxes, school should pay attention in class, do not do petty desert . "I am impatient side should be the side to go to school, go to school to pay the exam, I can not find how exam, and I scanned the entire bag, or not found, anxious I was sweating profusely. Know when finishing school bags, forgotten at home. Pay no papers, will be punished by the teacher, and I fear vexation, when I really regret not heard my mother say. Just as I was worried when the window was a familiar figure there, my mother took my papers out of breath, "Boy, or forget it!" Mom touched my head. When I recovered, only to see the back of your left quietly, you are rushing to work it, provoked warmth within my heart, silently say, my mother I will remember your words. With your mother I'm fortunate! You always have to look at me, sleep good, there is no quilt cover, turn off the lights there. As long as I have time, you are always willing to accompany me to read a book, exercise exercise, also play with the seesaw. Mom, I want to tell you: "Thank you, dear mother, I will always love you, as you love me! You sometimes just too tired, so I am not only annoying, you pain, some things I will try to finish, sometimes I talk back to you, you do not furious, it will affect the beauty of your youth! Mom, I love you! " Sincerely Good health and always young. 上面是英文的 现在解释中文给你听 您好! 妈妈感谢您这十二年的照料,您十几年如一日的照料我,从来不说一声辛苦.您对我的爱,是世界上最无私的爱.这种爱,只求无私的奉献,不求任何回报.妈妈这就是你对我的爱——伟大的“母爱”. 妈妈其实您特爱漂亮,可是您的手有一点粗糙了,却没听到您抱怨一声.因为您每天要帮我洗衣服,洗饭盒,还要拖地、做饭.乱七八糟的房间,被妈妈的手一整理,就变得一尘不染.所以妈妈那光滑的手,变得有点儿粗糙了. 妈妈您平时不爱唠叨,可对我您却总爱唠唠叨叨的,有时候,您唠叨我几句,我就和您顶嘴,因为您的话很烦,说了一遍又一遍,一遍又一遍,听得我耳朵都听出老茧来了.可是有一次,却让我明白妈妈的唠叨不是废话,而是爱的叮咛.那天和往常一样,在我耳旁响起熟悉的不能再熟悉的“旋律”,“旸旸不要忘带东西,红领巾,校徽,饭盒,上课要专心听讲,不要做小动作开小差.”我边应着边不耐烦地上学了,到了学校要交考卷的时候,我怎么也找不到考卷了,我翻遍了整个书包,还是没有找到,急得我满头大汗.知道是整理书包的时候,忘在家里了.交不出考卷,一定会被老师处罚的,我又急又怕,这时我真后悔没听妈妈的话.正当我心急如焚时,窗外出现了个熟悉的身影,妈妈气喘吁吁地拿着我的考卷,“小鬼头,还是忘了!“妈妈摸着我的头说.当我回过神来时,只看到您匆匆离去的背影,您正赶着去上班呢,我心里激起一股暖流,心里默默地说,妈妈我一定会记住您的话. 妈妈有了您我真幸福呀!晚上您总是要来看看我,睡的好不好,被子有没有盖好,电灯有没有关掉.只要我一有空,您总是愿意陪我看看书,锻炼锻炼身体,还陪我玩翘翘板. 妈妈,我想对您说:“谢谢您,亲爱的妈妈,我永远深爱着您,正如您深爱我一样!您有时候就是太烦,这样不仅我很烦,你也很烦,有些事情我会尽力去完成,有时我向您顶嘴时,您千万别大发雷霆,这样会影响您的青春美貌的!妈妈,我爱您!” 敬祝 身体健康,永远年轻.本回答被网友采纳