Nothing i had written in my qq's zone for a long time.the weather here is not nice just like my feeling.I have said ,I am gonna make my english as my girlfriend.this kind of opportunity comes only once in my life.No reason I can be explaining to .Just passion for english.
1. 邓丽君的那首歌的歌词是中国九百多年前的一首诗,作者是我最喜欢的诗人。The lyrics of the song of Teresa Teng is a Chinese poem of nine hundred years ago , whose author is my favorite poet.2. 原谅我上次不够礼貌。Forgive my impoliteness last time.3. 谢谢你喜欢我的画。Thank...
我RE: HI!I come from Shenyang, China, I am very pleased with your 你好!我来自中国,沈阳.我对你很满意.Hello, 你好 nice to see you, thanks for your message and umm, hope all is well with you . . . 见到你很高兴,感谢你的信息,哦,希望你一切顺利.you are from China ? 你...
1:谢谢。I see. A table for two, near the windwo. This way, please.(2为1的朋友)1:这是间不错的餐馆,我在杂志上看过它的介绍。This restaurant is terrific. I've read about it in a magazine.2:太好了,我很期待。It's not bad. This is what I have expected.(我很期待...
5.她的一生都在奉献,到1997年离开人们的时候,她的全部财产却仅仅是一幅耶稣画像,三件破旧的衣服和一双鞋子 She lived out the sacrifice till passed away in 1997 when all her property was a portrait of Jesus,3 pieces of shabby clothes and 1 pair of shoes.6.我不是一个天主教徒,但...
帮我翻译一段话到英文~ 谢谢。
If possible,I hope I can forget the mistake I had ever maken when we see each other again after a few years 和刚认识的时候一样,没有那么多心里负担 I don't have much stress in my mind just as the first time we knew each other.如果你能看到这段文字,希望你明白我 Hope ...
He goes on and comes to a river.他继续往前赶路,来到一条河边。The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days.河水很大,因为前几天老在下雨。He cannot cross the river.他没法过河。He hopes rhere is a boat to take him over.他希望有船能渡他过去。So ...
1.这都涉及到一个问题 This is related to a question\/problem.2.请按下面的步骤操作:Please follow the following steps.3.如果你不想使用上海银行的服务了,你会不会自行删除掉上海银行的账户。If you don't need their service anymore, is it possible to close your account at Shanghai ...
1、洗你的脸和安抚它展现水润 2,使用面膜为20-30分钟.3,取出面膜,不冲洗。.让多余的水分被吸收 4,根据喜好用冷冻或加热。冷却,放入包是achieved??是什么不知道.直到所需的热量,把包的温水浸泡2 ~ 3 分钟 5,包括马铃薯提取物,帮助舒缓和滋润柔软,而它清理。
A:遇见你真是太好了,能帮我个忙吗?(Nice meeting you, can you do me a favor?)B:什么事?只要我能帮忙我一定帮。(What's the matter?I'm willing to help you if I can.)A:明天是我爸爸生日,想买件礼物送给他,可是我逛了好久也不知道该买什么。给我点建议好吗?(It's my ...