
李华给mickey写信 讲述暑假旅游经历 时间是2008年8月2日星期6 地点城外八公里的南湖 坐公车去 出发7点到达7点20返回16时 上午划船钓鱼湖边午餐下午登鸟岛采野花拍照 高一水平即可不用太难。谢谢了!

To mickey
Hello,this is my holiday. At about 2008 Aguest the second.
I took a bus osaided to the city at about eight kilograng. I 离开(过去式) at 7'o clock and 到达(过去式) at 7:20.In the morning I went fishing and in the afternoon I took photos. Was it fun?What about your holiday? Was it fun too?
From LiHua


第1个回答  2008-10-05
To mickey
Hello,this is my holiday. At about 2008 Aguest the second.
I buy a bus osaided to the city at about eight kilograng. I liveed at 7'o clock and arrive at 7:20.In the morning,I went fishing and in the afternoon I took photos.
From LiHua