
Football started in Britain. The University of Cambridge made the first rules in 1848. In fact, many other countries played a game like football for many centuries before that. The Chinese played tsu chu over two thousand years ago. “Tsu” means to kick, and “chu” means ball. Before the nineteenth century, often hundreds of people played at one time. In the nineteenth century the game was very popular in English schools and universities. Finally, in 1863, a group of people started the Football Association. The word “soccer” comes from the word “association”.
Today, football is the most popular sport in the world. You can see the World Cup on television in about one hundred different countries. But Europe still has the most players — fourteen million. South America too is very strong. Here there are far fewer players, but they do very well in the World Cup. Perhaps the most successful team of modern times is Brazil, and the most famous player, Brazil’s Pele.
People started to watch football in the industrial towns of Britain in the late nineteenth century. In 1876 a Scot, James Lang, was the first man to earn money from football — the first professional. Just over one hundred years later, in 1978, most Liverpool players earned six hundred pounds each week, but the best earned a quarter of a million pounds a year.
Things change slowly in football. Liverpool, the English champions of 1900 —1901, was still the best team in the late 1970s. Now there are many international competitions and football is of interest world-wide.

於英国19世纪,工业革命后人们开始看足球比赛.在1876年,有一个苏格兰人,James Lang是第一个以足球赚钱的人,第一个专业的人.仅仅过了百多年,在1978年,有很多利物浦玩家每星期赚取6百英磅,但一年赚得最多的是四百万分之一每年.足球慢慢转变.利物浦,1900至1901是英国冠军,直至1970年都是最好的队伍.现时有很多国际比赛和足球都是遍及全世界的.
第1个回答  2008-10-26
足球始源于英国。。美国剑桥大学制定第一个规则在1848年。实际上,许多其他国家玩像足球一样的运动比1848早几个世纪。2000多年前中国人就开始玩 蹴雏了。蹴是踢的意思,雏意思是球。19世纪以前,上百的人开始玩了。在19世纪足球这个游戏在英语学校和大学非常流行 。最后,在1863一群人开始了足球协会。单词soccer来自这个协会
英国城市的人们开始看足球比赛在19世纪晚期。在1876james lang是第一个人从足球比赛中挣到钱--第一次专业的比赛。在100多年以后,也就是1978年,利物溥的运动 员每个星期能够挣到6002磅,同时最好的每年挣25万磅。足球变化得很慢。利物溥是1900到1901的冠军,在19世纪70年代晚仍然是最好的队。现在世界各地都有许多国际性的足球比赛