
Through careful selection and individual, scientific training. Each of these men separate ear to unload each day, and his wages depended upon his own personal work. The man who unloaded the largest amount of ore was paid the highest wages, and an unusual opportunity came for demonstrating the importance of individualizing each workman. Much of this ore came from the Lake Superior region, and the same ore was delivered both in Pittsburg and in Bethlehem in exactly similar cars. There was a shortage of ore handlers in Pittsburg, and hearing of the fine gang of laborers that had been developed at Bethlehem men, one of the Pittsburg steel works sent an agent to hire the Bethlehem men. The Pittsburg men offered 49/10 cents a ton for unloading exactly the same ore, with the same shovels ,from the same cars ,that were unloaded in Bethlehem for 32/10 cents a ton. After carefully considering this situation, it was decided that it would be unwise to pay more than 32/10 cents per ton for unloading the Bethlehem cars, because, at this rate, the Bethlehem laborers were earning a little over $1.85 per man per day, and this price was 60per cent more than the ruling rate of wages around Bethlehem.

A long series of experiments, coupled with close observation, had demonstrated the fact that when workmen of this caliber are given a carefully measured task , which calls for a big day’s work on their part, and that when in return for this extra effort they are paid wages up to 60 per cent beyond the wages usually paid, that this increase in wages tends to make them not only more thrifty but better men in every way; that they live rather better ,begin to save money ,become more sober, and work more steadily. When ,on the other hand ,they receive much more than a 60 per cent increase in wages ,many of them will work irregularly and tend to become more or less shiftless ,extravagant, and dissipated. Our experiments showed, in other words , that it does not do for most men to get rich too fast.
After deciding, for this reason, not to raise the wages of our ore handlers, these men were brought into the office one at a time, and talked to somewhat as follows:
“Now, Patrick, you have proved to us that you are a high-priced man. You have been earning every day a little more than $1.85, and you are just the sort of man that we want to have in our ore-shoveling gang. A man has come here from Pittsburg, who is offering 49/10 cents per ton for handing ore while we can pay only 32/10 cents per ton. I think ,therefore ,that you had better apply to this man for job. Of course, you know we are very sorry to have you leave us, but you have proved yourself a high-priced man, and we are very glad to see you get this chance of earning more money.


长期一系列的实验,再加上密切观察,表明了一个事实,即当工人的口径,给出一个精心测量的任务,这就要求一个大一天的工作的一部分,并在返回时,这个额外的努力他们支付的工资达百分之六十超出了通常的工资支付,这增加工资往往使他们不仅更加节俭,但更好的男人以各种方式; ,他们生活相当好,开始省钱,变得更加清醒,和工作更加稳步增长。当,另一方面,他们获得远远超过百分之六十的工资增加,其中许多人将不定期地工作,而且往往成为或多或少得过且过,奢侈,并消散。我们的实验表明,换句话说,它不会对大多数男子致富太快了。