


British history began in Germanic and Celtic, and later in England, Wales and Scotland. Its origin can be traced back to Roman rule.

Britain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of Northern Ireland and the whole history of Britain is made up of the interweaving of the four regions.

Wales became part of the Kingdom of England in 1535. The defeat of the Spanish Invincible Fleet in 1588 by the Naval Battle of Gravoline frustrated the invasion of foreign Catholic forces.

basically eliminating the threat of Catholicism and consolidating the achievements of religious reform.

In 1640, Britain broke out the first bourgeois revolution in the world and became the pioneer of the bourgeois revolution. The Republic was proclaimed on 19 May 1649. 

The restoration of the dynasty in 1660 and the "Glorious Revolution" in 1688 established the constitutional monarchy.

In 1707, England merged with Scotland. Through the Seven Years'War, Britain laid the foundation of the Sunset Empire and gained the hegemony of the sea.

It was merged with Ireland in 1801. After the Napoleonic War, Britain completed the imperial hegemony of the Sunset Empire. 

From the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, it became the first country in the world to complete the industrial revolution.

The nineteenth century was the heyday of the British Empire. The colonies occupied in 1914 were 111 times larger than those in the mainland. 

They were the first colonial power and claimed to be the "Sunset Empire".

In 1922, the Republic of Ireland became independent, and Northern Ireland remained in the United Kingdom, that is, Northern Ireland today.













英西战争(英语:Anglo-Spanish War;西班牙语:Guerra anglo-española)(1585年–1604年)指西班牙帝国与英格兰王国之间未经正式宣战的间歇性冲突。










蔷薇战争(又称玫瑰战争;英语:Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年)是英王爱德华三世(1327年-1377年在位)的两支后裔:兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了争夺英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。




此名称源于两个家族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红蔷薇Rosa gallica和约克的白蔷薇Rosa ×alba。

战争最终以兰开斯特家族的亨利七世与约克的伊丽莎白联姻为结束,也结束了法国金雀花王朝在英格兰的统治,开启了新的威尔士人都铎王朝的统治。 也标记着在英格兰中世纪时期的结束并走向新的文艺复兴时代。





第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-11
BC in the Mediterranean Iberian people, BAK people, Celtic, has come to Britain. 1-5 century, south-east England, the Roman Empire. , After the withdrawal of the Romans, the Anglo people in northern Europe, Saxons, Jutes invaded and settled in succession. The 7th century the feudal system began to take shape, many small countries, and into seven kingdoms strive for hegemony over 200 years, called "Anglo - Saxon era." 829 King of Wessex love Gebert unified England. 8 end of the century the Danes were struck from 1016 to 1042 as part of the Danish Viking empire. King was later short-term rule, in 1066, Duke of Normandy crossed the sea to conquer England. In 1215 King John was forced to sign Magna Carta, kingship was inhibited. From 1338 to 1453 English law, "the Hundred Years War," the British after the defeat and win a victory. In 1588, defeated the Spanish "Armada", to establish maritime supremacy. Bourgeois revolution broke out in 1640. May 19, 1649 declared a republic. 1660 Dynasty restoration took place in 1668 "Glorious Revolution" established a constitutional monarchy. 1707 England and Scotland merged in 1801 they merged with the Irish. The latter half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, becoming the world's first industrial revolution, a complete country. 19th century was the heyday of the British Empire in 1914 the colonial possession of 111 times more than the local big was the first colonial power, claiming to be "follow the sun empire." After World War I began to decay. British in Northern Ireland was established in 1920, the county, and in 1921 to 1922 in southern Ireland, from its rule to allow the establishment of an independent country. Westminster Act, enacted in 1931, was forced to recognize its dominion in the internal affairs and foreign policy of independence, the British Empire, shaken from the colonial system. World War II, greatly weakened the economic strength and political status declined. With the 1947 India and Pakistan have independence, to 60 years, the British Empire, the collapse of the colonial system. In January 1973 to join the EC.本回答被提问者采纳