
淹,字执礼,材辩多闻,有美名。隋开皇中,与其友韦福嗣谋曰:“上好用 隐民,苏威以隐者召,得美官。”乃共入太白山,为不仕者。文帝恶之,谪戍江 表。赦还,高孝基为雍州司马,荐授承奉郎,擢累御史中丞。王世充僣号,署少 吏部,颇亲近用事。洛阳平,不得调,欲往事隐太子。时封伦领选,以谂房玄龄, 玄龄恐失之,白秦王,引为天策府兵曹参军、文学馆学士。尝侍宴,赋诗尤工, 赐银钟。庆州总管杨文干反,辞连太子,归罪淹及王珪、韦挺,并流越巂,王知 其诬,饷黄金三百两。及践阼,召为御史大夫,封安吉郡公,食四百户。淹建言 诸司文桉稽期,请以御史检促。太宗以问仆射封伦,伦曰:“设官各以其事治, 御史劾不法,而索桉求疵,是太苛,且侵官。”淹嘿然。帝曰:“何不申执?” 对曰:“伦所引国大体,臣伏其议,又何言?”帝悦,以资博练,帝敕东宫仪典 簿最悉听淹裁订。俄检校吏部尚书,参豫朝政。所荐赢四十人,后皆知名。尝白 郅怀道可用,帝问状。淹曰:“怀道及隋时位吏部主事,方炀帝幸江都,群臣迎 阿,独怀道执不可。”帝曰:“卿时何云?”曰:“臣与众。”帝折曰:“事君 有犯无隐,卿直怀道者,何不谠言?”谢曰:“臣位下,又顾谏不从,徒死无益。” 帝曰:“内以君不足谏,尚何仕?食隋粟忘隋事,忠乎?”因顾群臣:“公等 谓何?”王珪曰:“比干谏而死,孔子称仁,泄冶谏亦死,则曰:‘民之多僻, 无自立辟。’禄重责深,从古则然。”帝笑曰:“卿在隋不谏,宜置。世充亲任, 胡不言?”对曰:“固尝言,不见用。”帝曰:“世充愎谏饰非,卿若何而免?” 淹辞穷不得对。帝勉曰:“今任卿已,可有谏未?”答曰:“顾死无隐。”贞观 二年疾,帝为临问。卒,赠尚书右仆射,谥曰襄。始,淹典二职,贵重于朝矣, 而亡清白名,获讥当世。子敬同袭爵,官至鸿胪卿。

第1个回答  2013-02-27
Yan, word to take the rules of propriety, material with excellent defense. Suikai Huang, and their friends Wei Fusi and said: " good people with implicit, Su Wei to the hermit summoned, beautiful officer. " It is in Taibai Mountain, not people who. The emperor of evil, exile Jiang table. Forgiveness is also the, Taka Xiaoki Yong Sima, recommended awarding Cheng Ro, Zhuo tired censor. Wang Shichong became less official department, Department, quite close by. Luoyang Ping, shall not transfer, to the past hidden a prince. When a leader to know Lun, Fang Xuanling, mysterious old fear losing, Bai Qin, cited as Bachelor of their army soldier Cao, literature museum. Taste feast, especially given Fushi, use. Gyeongju Explorer Yang Wengan, speech even prince, blame Yan and Wang GUI, Wei Ting, and current Yuexi, king the falsely accused, pay three hundred and twenty gold. And to succeed to the throne, called the imperial censor doctor, from Anji County, food four hundred. Yan Jianyan Zhu Si Wen Eucalyptus protracted period, please to censor examination of. Taizong to ask even Feng Lun, Lun said: " let 's all their things, censor impeach illegal, and cable Eucalyptus nitpicking, is too harsh, and invasion of officer. " Yan hey ran. Dili said: " why not " hold? " Answers: " Lun cited in the country generally, Chen V the discussion, then what? " Emperor Yue, in order to Bo Lian, emperor of imperial Tonomiya Yoshinori book the most learned to listen to be cut. Russian calibration libushangshu, Shen Yu palace. The recommended win forty people, after the famous. Taste the white Zhi road Huai available, Emperor asked. Yan said: " Huai Dao and Sui an official department leaders, Party Yang Xing Jiangdu, ministers welcomed a wye Road, only hold not. " Said: " you when and where the cloud? " Yue: "the minister and the. " God said: " what a fold made no hidden, straight road Huai Qing, why not proper words? " Xie said: " his position, and Gu Jian not from death, and useless. " Said: " to your lack of remonstrance, still what? Sui Sui food millet forget things, loyalty? " Because Gu courtiers: " such as that? " Wang Gui said: " the dry and died, Confucius said Ren, discharge Ye Jian also died, he said: ' the more secluded, no independent monarch. ' He comes from deep, ancient Zeran. " God smiled and said: "the Secretary of state in the Sui without remonstrance, should set. The pro Buyan Shichong, Hu? " Replied: " it is solid, not used. " Said: " the world fully reject advice Shifei, you how to escape? " These poor not to. Emperor Mian said: " now the current Secretary of state, may have to not? " Answer: " Gu died without hidden. " Zhenguan two years disease, emperor to go to consult. Suddenly, a Book of historyYou Pu she, said Shi xiang. First, Yan Dian two hats, valuable in North Korea, died innocent, was ridiculed the world. Zi Jing xijue, officer Zhihong Lu qing.追问


第2个回答  2013-02-27
发货人而非 够【回 、==============
第3个回答  2013-02-27
第4个回答  2013-02-28


第5个回答  2013-05-13