


Average per person GDP has reflected national's wealthy degree and the living standard and our country's financial circumstance. To the average per person GDP predict that is advantageous in our further understands our country's financial circumstance.
The social consumable total volume of retail sales has reflected our country people's consumption level. Because consumption level's change grows with the national income the change has the direct interdependence relations, therefore to the social consumable total volume of retail sales's forecast is also to our country economy one kind of weight. Moreover the expense is the GDP main part, its change definitely will cause the GDP change. Regarding these two data's predict that may let us know our country economic development level accurately.
This article uses GM (1,1) the gray forecast model, the orthogonal polynomial regression analysis forecast model and carries on to the above two methods combines the GM model analysis forecast separately carries on the generalized analysis forecast to average per person GDP and the consumable total volume of retail sales two groups of data. Forecast through three method analysis average per person GDP and the consumable total volume of retail sales two groups of data 08 year and 09 year average per person GDP and the consumable total volume of retail sales, hoped can reflect our country society really the economic development level as well as people's consumption level.
第1个回答  2008-06-10
GDP per capita reflects the people's wealth and living standards and China's economic situation. The per capita GDP forecasts, help us better understand China's economic situation.
Retail sales of consumer goods reflected the Chinese people's consumption level. Because of changes in consumption levels and changes in national income growth has a direct relationship of interdependence, the total retail sales of social consumer goods to the forecast on China's economy is also a measure. But consumption is a major part of GDP, its GDP would be a change in the movement. For these two data projections, will allow us to accurately understand China's economic development level.
By using GM (1,1) grey model, orthogonal polynomial regression analysis and forecasting model of a combination of the above two methods of forecasting model GM were the per capita GDP and total volume of retail sales data were a comprehensive analysis of forecasts. Through three methods of per capita GDP and the total volume of retail sales data were forecast to 08 and 09 of the per capita GDP and retail sales of consumer goods, hoping to more realistically reflect our society's level of economic development and people's consumption level.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-06-10
GDP per capita reflects the people's wealth and living standards and China's economic situation. The per capita GDP forecasts, help us better understand China's economic situation.
Retail sales of consumer goods reflected the Chinese people's consumption level. Because of changes in consumption levels and changes in national income growth has a direct relationship of interdependence, the total retail sales of social consumer goods to the forecast on China's economy is also a measure. But consumption is a major part of GDP, its GDP would be a change in the movement. For these two data projections, will allow us to accurately understand China's economic development level.
By using GM (1,1) grey model, orthogonal polynomial regression analysis and forecasting model of a combination of the above two methods of forecasting model GM were the per capita GDP and total volume of retail sales data were a comprehensive analysis of forecasts. Through three methods of per capita GDP and the total volume of retail sales data were forecast to 08 and 09 of the per capita GDP and retail sales of consumer goods, hoping to more realistically reflect our society's level of economic development and people's consumption level.
第3个回答  2008-06-10