Studying science within a social and political context is not part of current scientific training in the U.S. Instead,scientists believe that they are studying "knowledge for knowledge's sake"They work within a social structure of competition and reward that encourage pursuit of recognition of colleagues and prestige at the expense of humanness.scientists undergo long years of training. PhD students ,for example ,do approximately 3-5 years of post-under graduate work and frequently an additional 2-3 years of post doctoral study before starting a job at the lowest level of the so-called professional order. From the beginning the scientist is trained in the scientific method ,which teaches one to isolate an object for study, to analyze its internal working ,to formulate laws about it. Both the isolation of the object and the method used to examine it, i.e. looking at parts rather than the whole ,reinforce piecemeal rather than comprehensive thinking. It would not be possible for science to appear “ neutral” if it were viewed as part of the cultural and social institutions that support, create and encourage it .science as it is currently practiced is concerned with validity and not with values. It is pursuit of knowledge regardless of moral consideration.
Control chart method and cause and effect diagram method are very effective analyzing and controlling methods for quality. This paper takes control chart method and cause and effect diagram method for example to introduce the effect of quality control in production and breakdown of machiner...
1,语文不能用chinese中文,外国人看了会疑惑为什么16岁的中国人还要学中文这门语言。2,模式不能用model模型这个词。完全不是一个意思。3,学案用plan这个词不恰当,plan相较scheme而言缺乏实物感,scheme更倾向于实际的方案。第三行错误:1,‘学案设计问题’翻译成plan design issue将三个名词以中文...
楼上那位一定是机器翻译的,好多语法错误。还是我来帮你吧。Excuse me. I've got something to tell you.My friend is a fan of maximilian hecker. when she saw you she regarded you as hecker. Max is a modest and friendly person. Actually she sees every foreigner alike. I tried to...
学校では、どのようにあなたの友人を参照してくださいか?(あなたの友人はあなたのクラスのほとんどのか?3. 在你求学期间,学生大部分是在家住,还是住公寓还是宿舍 あなたの试験では、主にライブ、または学生がアパートや寮に住んでいる 4. 你学校平时活动多吗? 有些什么活动?你平时...
1)how do you make new friends in university in your home countryだったのだろうか。1 .あなたはいつも学校怎么友达に交际することですか 2)how did you meet most of your friends in universityだったのだろうか。(eg)are your friends in university mainly in the same class as ...
悬赏100分求 中译英翻译 求快求正确。拒绝机译。有实力的来
1数学教师知道,如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的学生也解不出。The maths teacher knows, if Tome can not solve this problem, neither can the other students in the class.2科学家们已经做了无数实验表明,在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效得多 Several experiments made by ...
绝对手动翻译。请参考!注意:英文名的起法很讲究,普遍要倒装,也就是名和姓反过来.不过也有国家领导人的名字是直接顺着来的,比如外国人叫我们总理Wen jiabao.你的姓(Family name)是不管你在国内还是到了国外都不能该的,这关系到祖宗流传和家族荣誉问题.你的名(Given name或First name)则是最好是谐音...
非常感谢你的来信。Thank you very much for your letter.我也意识到这个问题,目前正在考虑怎么实现这个功能,希望能在下个版本中完成这个功能。I have also recognized the fault and been thinking of how to realize the function. I hope to complete it in the next edition.再次感谢你的来信 T...