
我想翻译一小段话 请各位帮帮忙 下面就是要翻译的话。。

我要给小学生讲课那么必须要生动 有一篇课文叫做we love animals 我想首先让孩子们产生兴趣 那么可以采用多媒体 也可以做很多小动物的头像戴在小朋友头上 然后激发他们对动物的热爱从而体现这篇课文的中心 最后在讲讲重点单词和语法 那么我相信他们就能充分理解了

I give lectures so students must have a vivid lessons we love animals called I would like to let the children become interested in you can use of multimedia can also do a lot of small animals in the children wearing the head and then head to stimulate their love for animals so as to reflect This text in the center of talk about the final key words and grammar so I believe they will be able to fully understand the

第1个回答  2008-06-14
I want to give a lecture to the primary,so it must be

interesting.There is a lesson called "we love animals".

First of all,I would like to make the children be interested

in it by multimedia,or make many animals'head with many papers

and Wear them on children' heads.And then ,stimulate their

love of animals to reflect the main means of this text.Finally

I'll explain the key words and the grammar again.Then I

believe they can understand it well.

第2个回答  2020-07-16

