大学生英语作文-大学生合理安排时间 80左右


第1个回答  2016-12-29
First of all, I would like to take one of my major classes and an elective course.
Second, I'm going to do some workouts so as to serve my motherland better in the future. I plan to join the academic society which included tennis, handball and something like that.
Third, to develop a good habit, I would like to read some books reqired by my school.
Four, I hope to become a voluteer, which could be one of highlights of my resume.
Five, it is going to be helpful for my personal experience if I could participate in some mass organization and makes friends with other newbies.
Whatever, college days are wonderful for each of those who have dreams of enjoying learning and sharing happiness with others through the period.本回答被网友采纳