经典英文励志电影对白(2-3人男同学话剧表演) (不要肖申克的救赎,有同学...
《回来的路》接近结尾处时四个来自不同国家的、被前苏联大清洗迫害的人要继续走下去 寻找自由 徒步翻越喜马拉雅山到印度 然后去美国之前 在羊圈里的情景对话
经典励志电影 --- 肖申克的救赎 Tommy死后,Andy和Red在墙下的对话:ANDY My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book.Complained about it all the time.(pause)She was beautiful. I loved her. But I guess I couldn't show it enough.(softly)I killed her,...
2.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。3.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝.4."so...
经典励志电影 --- 肖申克的救赎 Tommy死后,Andy和Red在墙下的对话:ANDY My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book.Complained about it all the time.(pause)She was beautiful. I loved her. But I guess I couldn't show it enough.(softly)I killed her,...
以下是我为大家整理的肖申克的救赎经典台词中英文对白,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家。 1、Red: Let me tell you something my friend: Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. 瑞德:听我说,朋友,希望是件危险的事。希望能叫人发疯。 2、Red narrating: These walls are kind of funny ...
肖申克的救赎中英文经典台词 《肖申克的救赎》电影讲述了安迪被冤入狱和在狱中的种种经历,并设法通过自己的救赎重新获得自由的故事。1.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's ...
求30句经典英文电影对白 《肖申克的救赎》 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 Remember, Hope is a good thing,
2.《乱世佳人》: Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. ——《乱世佳人》3.《Titanic》: 《Titanic》中Jack死亡前的对白: Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to...
精彩对白:每个人都是自己的上帝。如果你自己都放弃自己了,还有谁会救你?每个人都在忙,有的忙着生,有的忙着死。忙着追名逐利的你,忙着柴米油盐的你,停下来想一秒:你的大脑,是不是已经被体制化了?你的上帝在哪里?Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man ...