

要写的,不然人家知道你写的是那本书的读后感呀?以《飘》-Gone With the Wind的读后感为例,标题写起来很简单,《飘》的读后感其实就是Reading after Gone With the Wind.只需在书名前加一个Reading after即可。注意reading的首字母要用大写,书名里面的单词首字母也要大写,(冠词和介词除外,可大写也可小写。)
第1个回答  2014-08-30
A Wonderful Movie
It's a Wonderful Movie!
A Enjoyable Movie
An Unexpectedly Great Film
A Great Emotional Drama , Based on a True Story
Superb Drama of Courage and Humanity
A Touching, Historical Masterpiece
第2个回答  2014-08-30

苔丝 英文读后感 The Woman Pays TESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d'Urberwilles.She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec,and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence.People looked down on her and respected her no more.Actually she did...

观后感题目 电影《The Shawshank Redemptiom》观后感,《善用人才是成功的关键》《童年——读〈城南旧事〉有感》《读〈钢铁是怎样炼成的〉有感》《读〈繁星·春水〉有感》《坚强的勇者——读〈鲁滨逊漂流记〉有感》《读〈格列佛游记〉有感》《怀感恩之心,发现世间美好...

1. 英文作文观后感题目怎么写 给你一些例子吧,可以把电影名字写在前面,用逗号,或者破折号分隔,不写电影名也可以:A Wonderful Movie It's a Wonderful Movie!A Enjoyable Movie An Unexpectedly Great Film A Great Emotional Drama , Based on a True Story Superb Drama of Courage and Human...

1. 英文作文观后感题目怎么写 给你一些例子吧,可以把电影名字写在前面,用逗号,或者破折号分隔,不写电影名也可以:A Wonderful Movie It's a Wonderful Movie!A Enjoyable Movie An Unexpectedly Great Film A Great Emotional Drama , Based on a True Story Superb Drama of Courage and Human...

1. 英文作文观后感题目怎么写 给你一些例子吧,可以把电影名字写在前面,用逗号,或者破折号分隔,不写电影名也可以:A Wonderful Movie It's a Wonderful Movie!A Enjoyable Movie An Unexpectedly Great Film A Great Emotional Drama , Based on a True Story Superb Drama of Courage and ...

题目:需要包含你的topic和你的controlling idea.第一段:提纲句:你所看电影+你对这个电影的简练评价;介绍电影的大概内容,注意要用描述性、抒情性的句子 第二段:具体阐述你在提纲句中对电影的评价,展开说,为什么这样评价,原因何在,这部电影给你什么启示。第三段:收尾,即对上述你写的内容进行...

要写的,不然人家知道你写的是那本书的读后感呀?以《飘》-Gone With the Wind的读后感为例,标题写起来很简单,《飘》的读后感其实就是Reading after Gone With the Wind.只需在书名前加一个Reading after即可。注意reading的首字母要用大写,书名里面的单词首字母也要大写,(冠词和介词除外,可大写...

观后感:The Dragon inside is really cute. Although it is very big, it is very timid. When I look at it, I feel that my heart will melt.The characters of the film are flat, and several protagonists of the film even broke with the first "master of dragon training".The hero...

写作思路:主要写出他所讲的内容,和你的感受。正文:The first time I saw a movie in the cinema, I cried several times. I saw the movie "a dog's mission". Maybe it was because I like dogs very much, and I always have dogs in my family. So movies or novels about the ...

公主日记英文观后感:The "Princess Diaries" is a film made by Disney company. It tells the story of a New York City ordinary girl - mia, she used to work as a transparent person in the school, but in her 16 birthday coming before the accident was confirmed to be Jinuoweiya ...
