
主要职责: 1)负责与产品配套的各类工装和夹具的设计和采购的工作,
. 主要职责:技术改进,机械设计,项目负责人.
接受正规台资企业系统化培训. 系统接受ISO9001-2000的培训, 公司内审员成员之一,获内审员资格证书.
熟悉产品开发的流程, 能独立承担产品设计开发的能力,对铜件机加工,钣金件,注塑件有数年的设计经验.
能熟练应用Auto CAD,Pro/E及solidworks软件进行机械设计,熟练应用Office办公自动化软件.
熟悉注塑模具结构, 熟悉产品开模.熟悉跟模流程,了解模具报价.
2003届优秀毕业生,连续3年获奖学金. 性格开朗、稳重、有活力,善于与人沟通,有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力以及承受各种压力的能力,有较强的团体协作精神和良好的适应能力。

Work experience:
2004.-2005.11: XX of the company's technology as a technician and an Assistant Engineer duties
Main duties: 1) is responsible for supporting the types of products and tooling and fixture in the design and procurement work,
2) Design of all types of production lines operating the equipment and machinery ancillary equipment.
3) is responsible for product development projects throughout the cycle work
2005.11-present: XX of the company's technology as product engineers.
. Main functions: to improve technology, mechanical design, project leader.
1) is responsible for the mechanical structure of the product research and development projects.
2) is responsible for product updates and technical improvements.
3) building materials like ceramics development of new products and OEM manufacturer of ceramic quality control requirements of the development
4) is responsible for the building materials company to undertake project management work.
5) is responsible for OEM manufacturers of the new development.
Main skills:
Taiwan-funded enterprises to receive formal systematic training. ISO9001-2000 system to accept the training, members of the company OIA member of the OIA member of qualification certificates.
Familiar with the product development process, to undertake an independent product design and development capacity, the copper pieces of machining, sheet metal parts, injection of several years of design experience.
Familiar with the product quality control, can be based on GB / QB, and other standard-setting product quality technical points.
Applications can be skilled Auto CAD, Pro / E and solidworks mechanical design software, the Office of skilled office automation software.
Familiar with the injection mold structure, a model familiar with the product. Familiar with the process die, die, shown understanding.
2003 session of outstanding graduates, a scholarship for three consecutive years. Personality cheerful, stable, energetic and good at communication with the people, have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and the ability to withstand various pressures, the groups have a stronger spirit of collaboration And good adaptability.
第1个回答  2008-06-03
Work experience:
2004.-2005.11: XX of the company's technology as a technician and an Assistant Engineer duties
Main duties: 1) is responsible for supporting the types of products and tooling and fixture in the design and procurement work,
2) Design of all types of production lines operating the equipment and machinery ancillary equipment.
3) is responsible for product development projects throughout the cycle work
2005.11-present: XX of the company's technology as product engineers.
. Main functions: to improve technology, mechanical design, project leader.
1) is responsible for the mechanical structure of the product research and development projects.
2) is responsible for product updates and technical improvements.
3) building materials like ceramics development of new products and OEM manufacturer of ceramic quality control requirements of the development
4) is responsible for the building materials company to undertake project management work.
5) is responsible for OEM manufacturers of the new development.
Main skills:
Taiwan-funded enterprises to receive formal systematic training. ISO9001-2000 system to accept the training, members of the company OIA member of the OIA member of qualification certificates.
Familiar with the product development process, to undertake an independent product design and development capacity, the copper pieces of machining, sheet metal parts, injection of several years of design experience.
Familiar with the product quality control, can be based on GB / QB, and other standard-setting product quality technical points.
Applications can be skilled Auto CAD, Pro / E and solidworks mechanical design software, the Office of skilled office automation software.
Familiar with the injection mold structure, a model familiar with the product. Familiar with the process die, die, shown understanding.
2003 session of outstanding graduates, a scholarship for three consecutive years. Personality cheerful, stable, energetic and good at communication with the people, have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and the ability to withstand various pressures, the groups have a stronger spirit of collaboration And good adaptability.