Thanks a lot ! 外国人一般不像中国那般“势利”,不会重金悬赏……
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I think the Chinese history is a very interesting areas, and very worthy of study, after all, Chinese long 5000 history contains rich cultural heritage. China has always advocated the Confucianism, pay attention to etiquette, foreign advocated peaceful coexistence with other countries....
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I won't forget the efforts you have made to improve the relationship between teachers and students,I was included. So I would like to show my appreciation and respect to you.
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This economic for China and Japan have very strong complementary to each other, a war between the two countries are disastrous.
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As for two countries,that ralate to each other so closely , should solve islands dispute as soon as possible,so that can make two countries'relationship more and more close and friendship betewwen civil from two countries exist forever....
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I miss the days when you were the head teacher of our class. Half a year is by no means a long time, but which, is the prime time of relations between you and us.
到了开元年间,一行受到唐玄宗的尊重,没有不能说的话。不久,碰上王老太的儿子犯了杀人罪,案子还没结。王老太来见一行向他求救,一行说:“老太你如果要金银财物,我该用十倍的数来报答。皇上执法,很难用人情来求免,我能怎么样呢?” 王老太抬手骂道:“我认识你这个和尚有什么用!” 一行向...
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Having the Cultural Year is a really good thing beneficial to people of both China and Russia,as well as the best way to keep the friendship between the two countries.
貌似网上常见的骗钱邮件,说有某某遗产,自己不能取,要你帮忙,事成之后必有重谢,云云,小心上当 文章太长,还想翻详细的就把悬赏提到30,嘿嘿 PS:你朋友还真是好奇啊,就翻译给你看吧 我是Ms Vivian Danjuma,Dr和Mrs Nicolas Danjum Danjuma 唯一在世的20岁的女儿,(这个Dr Danjuma 是她...