
it is the journey of life that makes us from a kid who takes it for granted that we depend on our parents into an independent adult。

第1个回答  2013-06-07
不正确,改法一:it is the journey of life that makes us from a kid who takes it for granted that we depend on our parents to an independent adult。
改法二:it is the journey of life that turns us from a kid who takes it for granted that we depend on our parents to an independent adult。追问

就是把into 改为to对吧


是的。第一种改法from ....to.....
第二种改法turn ....into

第2个回答  2013-06-07
第3个回答  2013-06-07
it is the journey of life that changes us from kids who take it for granted to depend on parents to independent adults追问

take it for granted 不是后面只能接that 吗


特殊情况可以接别的,你要是没学过就算了。但是其他几个问题希望你注意到了:1、不能把“我们”从”一个孩子“变成”一个大人“(数不一致);2、make sb from ... into...也是不合理的搭配,因为make要想表达变化,必定紧接的是变化的结果,比如make an independ adult from a child。

【可以理解你因为对take it for granted的怀疑而没有采纳我的答案,但是你的句子确实不是没毛病的,楼下那两个的意见都比你采纳的那个更正确。】

第4个回答  2013-06-07
it is the journey of life that makes us (grow) from a kid who takes it for granted that we depend on our parents into an independent adult。追问

加了一个grow觉得好些 谢谢 不加grow就感觉有些中国式英语

第5个回答  2013-06-07

自己写的 谢谢
