

第1个回答  2013-05-09
时间就是金钱(Time is money)Today is May 16, 2009.There is less than a month before the college entrance examination. I still remember the day before the examination. I and you ever made great effort to realize a dream of entering a university. And now we are here.But most freshmen are dissatisfied with the life in university in the first term, before I went to university, I viewed university as a freedom paradise where I can do anything I like. But when I get here. Everything turn to be out of my imagination. I have to do a lot of homework everyday just as in senior high school. Living condition is not as good as in my expectation, food here is far from being delicious. And that is what most freshmen complain about.But I must say we should still enjoy the life in university because it is the most worthwhile in our life.Firstly ,It is the time we begin to form our outlook of our life. We attend classes, go to the library, surf the Internet. All of these provide us with valuable knowledge and information.Secondly university life is rich and colorful, without heavy task, we get more time to take a break develop some hobbies. these will surely make our life more wonderful.Finally in university we can develop our social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for hunting a job. Small organizations in school can provide a variety of opportunities of leaderships as well as teamship. Take Students Union for example. It is a place where we can get our abilities trained. All of these prepare for our future.Time is money, but money can not get back time. Four—years of college life is short in a person’s life. Do not waste time any more. Try to be confident and dynamic and try to make our university life more wonderful and meaningful. Believe that we can fly and we are sing in the sky.今天是5月16日,在2009还有不到一个月前在大学入学考试。我仍然记得在考试前的一天。我和你所做出的巨大努力去实现梦想进入大学。现在我们都在这里。但是大多数新生不满意生活在第一学期大学之前,我上大学时,我被作为一种自由大学的乐园,我可以做任何事,我喜欢。但是当我到达这里。一切转出我的想像力。我有很多作业要做日常就像在高中阶段。生活条件不如在我的期望,这儿的食物还远远不能很好吃。而且那就是大部分新生抱怨。但是,我必须说,我们还是应该享受生活,在大学,因为它是最值得在我们的日常生活中。首先,它是我们开始我们的人生。我们上课,去图书馆,上网。所有这些给我们提供了宝贵的知识和信息。其次的大学生活是丰富多彩的,没有繁重的任务,我们有更多的时间来休息hobbies.这必将发展一些让我们的生活更加精彩。最后在大学可以发展我们的社会技能和知识和智慧,找工作时所必需的。在学校的小的组织提供各种机会以及团队的领导。带学生联盟为例。这是一个地方,我们可以得到我们的技能训练。所有的这些准备我们的未来。时间就是金钱,但金钱不能回来。Four-years大学的生命是短暂的,在一个人的生命。不要浪费时间了。试着自信和动力,努力使我们的大学生活更精彩,回味无穷。相信我们能飞,我们是在天空。