

第1个回答  2013-04-13
12岁前是语言发展的关键期,在学习母语的基础上,感受第二语言启蒙教育,无疑对小学英语有益处的,但如何帮助提升小学英语兴趣,学习感受第二语言,激发学习的兴趣,心理学家认为:兴趣具有动力作用,也就是说兴趣可以转化为激发人们进行某种活动的推动力。幼儿期的小学,由于注意力等心理因素发展不够成熟,他们的学习在很大程度上带有明显的情绪化倾向,当小学对学习有浓厚兴趣和好奇心时,便会产生情感上的需求。对孩子来说,小学英语学习是新的认知点,父母更应考虑孩子情感上的需求,采用生动活泼、有趣味的形式来吸引他们。例如《英华兰魔法英语》这类产品是最合适不过的了,可以免费学习的。参考资料:《英华兰魔法英语》 http://www.go2everland.com
第3个回答  2013-04-12
With the development of urbanization, thousands of young people flocking into city in China, leaving their small kids at home.
According to the history of the main industrialized countries, this phenonemon appeared naturally .however ,how to deal with it ?it is a very delicate problem in the progress of china.
On the one hand ,the leaved kids might be cannot share the high quality education like others did in city,and augment the chance of unstablity in the unprivilledged areas.
We should take fully advantage of our government,pushing forward the development of our economy,balancing econony in different areas.In the final analysis, the economy is the trump card to kill the potential negative effects.o(∩_∩)o 哈哈望采纳本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2013-04-12