假设你是tom,请根据提示以“my Unforgettable Experience为题写一篇80词左右的短文,记述一次难忘的经历

初二作文的哦 提示: tom的父母晚上外出,知道十一点才能回家。十二岁的他自己一人在家,当门外有人走过时他很害怕;听到外面的房间里有动静他更是害怕,后来才发现是自家的小猫。从前从未一个人单独在家的他便有了一次难忘的经历。

My unforgettable experience One night, both of my parents went out, I knew they would come back home at 11 pm. I was the only one at home. I was so scared when somebody passed by in front of our house; I was more scared when I heard there were some sounds coming from a room outside, but I found out it was our home's cat at last. I never stayed at home by myself, so I will not forget that night.