阅读理解。 A new problem has appeared in the world of technology- the mobile phone viruses. The first virus called "Skulls" and "Dust", was discovered in July, 2004. Compared to computer viruses, these were harmless, but proved that a virus could be spread across a mobile network. But as mobile phone technology moves forward, so do the viruses and the people who create them. Now many people use "pocket computers" such as PDAs and "smart-phones" which can receive multimedia messages in different forms like photos, videos, and music, and the most recent virus, "Cabir", is spread by opening these kinds of multimedia messages. This virus gets into the mobile phone or PDA and then makes it stop working. In only six months the virus has spread across almost 20 countries across the world-that shows that it could easily get into millions of phones and PDAs. There are some viruses inside illegal (非法的) copies of games. These viruses take personal information that is stored on someone's phone, and use it to make money for the people who sent the virus. Sometimes the viruses have a programme that makes expensive phone calls to high cost numbers. The result is a very high phone bill for the victim (受害者). In answer to this new threat (威胁), many new models of mobile phones and PDAs are now appearing in stores with anti-virus software on them, just like computers. 1. The earliest mobile phone viruses were called A. "Skulls" B. "Dust" C. "Skulls" and "Dust" 2. The earliest mobile phone viruses A. were dangerous B. were not dangerous C. made phones stop working 3. What does the underlined word "multimedia" mean? A. Photos, videos and sound. B. Photos and videos. C. Pocket computer. 4. How is the newest virus spread? A. By playing games on phones. B. By opening multimedia messages. C. By calling expensive phone numbers. 5. What are mobile phone companies doing to stop viruses? A. They are making fewer new phones. B. They are putting anti-virus software on new phones. C. They are improving mobile technology.
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这道题的解题过程是?阅读理解。 A
回答:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D
回答:1.剑鱼的种属、捕食特点和内在的生理机制。(意对即可) 2.肌肉发达而结实,天生有一套“缓冲设备”和“防震器”。(意对即可) 3.本文语言的特点是形象生动。可从说明方法、修辞手法或词语的运用等方面进行分析。 4.运用列数字、作比较,说明剑鱼可以承受很大的外部压力。(意对即可) 5.人类利用对...
回答:1-3: BCD
回答:(1)科举(免役);发展工商业。 (2)崇尚奢侈;逾越传统伦理(道德沦丧);好诉讼。 (3)促进:带动了商品经济的发展。阻碍:士大夫受到重农抑商观念的束缚;致富后主要用于购地、消费;没有用于扩大再生产。 (4)政治因素:从专制皇权到国民革命和近代民国政府的建立;经济基础:从传统小农经济到近代工商业...
这道题的解题过程是?山之叟 袁枚
回答:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.(1)薄如蝉翼\/较前大不如\/怒而移之山\/再移之墙\/立枯死。 (2)①你仍然把它们移回原处,以为它们比新买的好。 ②既不懂生物的习性,又不知道土壤是否适宜,高兴了就抬举它,生气了就摧残它。(重点词语翻译到位,意对即可)
这道题的解题过程是? 苏轼,字子瞻,眉
回答:1、B 2、B 3、D 4、C 5、(1)到二十岁时,就精通经传历史,每天写文章几千字,喜欢贾谊、陆贽的书。 (2)富民们如果都出了城,就会动摇民心,那我还和谁来守城呢?
这道题的解题过程是? 北国风光,千里冰
回答:1.惜 2.借古赞今,通过对历史英雄人物的批判,赞美今天的英雄人物具有更卓越的才能,必将创造出空前的丰功伟绩。(意近即可) 3.本指《诗经》中的《国风》和楚辞中的《离骚》。 4.新的时代需要新的风尚、新的英雄。而今天的“风流”人物不负历史使命,超越了历史上的英雄人物。这是诗人坚定...
回答:(1)在困难面前不低头,不丧气;志存高远、执著追求的自立自强精神。 (2)自立自强是一种优秀的品质,古往今来,成就伟大事业的人,都是自立自强的人,人不能没有这种精神,对于一个国家和民族也同样如此,不论过去、现在或将来,自强不息都是我们国家和民族屹立于世界民族之林的精神动力。